
1. 工作的英文怎么写 “工作”的英文写法:work
读法:英 [w??k] 美 [w?k]
1、n. 工作;[物] 功;产品;操作;职业;行为;事业;工厂;著作;文学、音乐或艺术作品
2、vt. 使工作;操作;经营;使缓慢前进
3、vi. 工作;运作;起作用
4、n. (英、埃塞)沃克(人名)
1、We work from nine to five.
我们从九点工作到五点 。
2、They banded with him to do that work.
他们同他联合起来做那项工作 。
读法:英 [?p?'re??(?)n] 美 [,ɑp?'re??n]
释义:n. 操作;经营;[外科] 手术;[数][计] 运算
1、Operation Barbarossa巴巴罗萨行动
2、Operation Paperclip回纹针行动
3、logistics operation物流作业
4、Operation Aurora极光行动
2. “工作”的英文怎么写 job 英 [d??b] 美 [d?ɑ?b]
n. 工作;职业;职位
过去式: jobbed 过去分词: jobbed 现在分词: jobbing 第三人称单数: jobs
abandon a job 放弃工作 accept the job 接受工作
apply for a job 申请工作 assign sb a job 给某人分配工作
用作名词 (n.)
1、He has a job in the bank.
他在银行里有份工作 。
2、The job asks hard work.
这活儿要求全身心投入 。
3、Her job is to teach children how to swim.
她的工作是教儿童学游泳 。
n. (名词)
1、job的基本意思是指为谋生或糊口而干的有报酬的工作 。可泛指“职业,职位”,也可指一件具体的工作,尤指难以完成的工作,是可数名词 。
2、job引申可指“职责,责任”,这时通常用单数形式 。
3、在广告用语中,job可指“以…为宗旨” 。
4、job作“做某事很吃力,干某事很困难”解时,其后可接to- v 或 v -ing作主语; job还可以as短语表示具体的“职业”“工作” 。
3. 用英语写一篇文章,说说十年后你打算做什么工作.写出选择理由(至少 Helllo,everyone!What is your dream?I want to be a good English teacher.Why?Because teachers are greatly!I love them!And English becames more and more necessary in mordon social.However,it is difficult to come ture.So,I need make a plan.First ,I should have more confident ,And believe in myself.Second,I will word hard and try my best to do it well .And put my effort into it.Also ,do everything carefully.Third,I need to have more practises.And read,listen,recite English knowledge everyday.Fourth,keep a good mood,often smile and help others .I will do it from now on.And you? 。
4. 求用英文写一篇在旅游业工作的优缺点 Tourism is travel for recreational,leisure or business purposes.The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who "travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than twenty-four (24) hours and not more than one consecutive year for leisure,business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited".[1] Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity.In 2008,there were over 922 million international tourist arrivals,with a growth of 1.9% as compared to 2007.International tourism receipts grew to US$944 billion (euro 642 billion) in 2008,corresponding to an increase in real terms of 1.8%.[2]As a result of the late-2000s recession,international travel demand suffered a strong slowdown beginning in June 2008,with growth in international tourism arrivals worldwide falling to 2% during the boreal summer months.[3] This negative trend intensified during 2009,exacerbated in some countries due to the outbreak of the AH1N1 influenza virus,resulting in a worldwide decline of 4% in 2009 to 880 million international tourists arrivals,and an estimated 6% decline in international tourism receipts.[4]Tourism is vital for many countries,such as Australia,Egypt,Greece and Thailand,and many island nations,such as The Bahamas,Fiji,Maldives and the Seychelles,due to the large intake of money for businesses with their goods and services and the opportunity for employment in the service industries associated with tourism.These service industries include transportation services,such as airlines,cruise ships and taxis,hospitality services,such as accommodations,including hotels and resorts,and entertainment venues,such as amusement parks,casinos,shopping malls,various music venues and the theatre. 。