
1. 写一篇英语作文关于英语沙龙社团 题目:Something about the English Salon Association
正文:Last year I joined the English Salon Association.During this year I not only have learnt a lot of new words and expressions from the members and the foreign teachers but also have made a lot of friends sharing the same interest.Besides,the foreign teachers broadened our outlook by telling us lots of foreign cultures and at the same time we improved our spoken language.In addtion,we often watched films together which improved our skills of listening and expand our vocabulary.
2. 美发沙龙的沙龙是什么意思 沙龙源自法语[salon] 旧时法国巴黎的文人和艺术家常在崇尚艺术的贵妇人的客厅里集会 , 谈论文艺 。
后来就把文人雅士聚谈的场所叫沙龙 , 现也指在文学艺术方面志趣相投的人们的一种社交场所文学沙龙;美术沙龙;语言学沙龙salonn.沙龙典雅时髦的营业室a beauty salon美容院沙龙salon n.A large room, such as a drawing room, used for receiving and entertaining guests. 客厅大房间 , 如客厅 , 用于接待客人A periodic gathering of people of social or intellectual distinction. 沙龙社会或知识界各流派的定期集会A hall or gallery for the exhibition of works of art. 美术展览厅 , 画廊用于展览艺术作品的大厅或长廊A commercial establishment offering a product or service related to fashion: 营业性的厅、院营业建筑 , 提供时髦的产品或服务:a beauty salon.美容院大厅; 客厅招待会沙龙(西方社会中在社会名流家里定期举行的社会聚会)美术展览馆; 画廊; [the Salon ](每年举行一次的世界美术家作品的) 巴黎美术展览会营业性高级服务厅[院](如美容厅等)literary salons文艺沙龙a beauty salon美容厅First German Autumn Salon德国秋季沙龙(1913年在巴黎秋季沙龙影响下 ,  在柏林举办的一次最大最重要的沙龙画展 ,  展出了当时先锋派艺术家包括“青骑士”等成员共九十人的作品)French Salon法国沙龙(17世纪下半叶起法国官方每年在巴黎举行的造型艺术展览会)Independent Salon(1884年在法国反对官方美展者所成立的)独立沙龙New Salon新沙龙(在练兵场举行)Old Salon老沙龙(在爱丽舍宫举行) 。

