
1. 侯高俊杰的英文介绍 Name: baby Native place: Henan Place of residence: Shanghai Height: 1.32 meters (growing) Weight: 30kg (growing) Birthday: August 6, 1999 Constellation: Leo Blood type: O type Features: hip-hop, guitar, singing, piano, etc. Pet phrase: almost Favorite music: hiphop all the good music Favorite singer: Jay Chou Pan黄立行RAIN Likes to do things: hip-hop and singing Enjoy wearing: loose clothes Favorite color: Black Aspirations and goals: make a versatile singer The biggest dream: to be able to sing jump scientists Favourite person: father a little more Skills: cross-eye to eye when (never), dorsal pi (is back more than 1,000,倒背400) Brokerage Company: Hong wide culture media Baby was born in Henan, a child could receive his father's intellectual development of education: 2-year-old, the baby began to draw, read; 3-year-old can recognize thousands of words, and insisted on every day with cold water wash; many begin to accept 4-year-old hip-hop professional practice, and start reading newspapers; 5-year-old when there are thousands of diaries written articles; 6-year-old start studying English, Japanese language, and many other countries, contact physics, chemistry and other subjects. 2 years of professional dance together with him the guidance of trained hard so that his hip-hop skills in leaps and bounds, in this day of 730 days, the other children at their parents and small arms撒娇玩闹partner, while the baby every day at dance practice room Tatsu high intensity dance practice five hours, sweat has paid off, and his dance talent show is no doubt that a number of difficult skills in action even professional dancers also自叹不如head spin, Thomas is that he's hip-hop nirvana commands, in order to Let your baby can absorb more nutrients music, baby arrived at the entertainment capital of Shanghai, first arrived in Shanghai on the cause of major dance companies and brokerage companies concerned about a lot of brokers are very popular on the baby 。
2. 世界各国用英语怎么表示 China Chinese 中国
Mongolia Mongolian 蒙古
Korea Korean 韩国
Japan Japanese 日本
Thailand Thai 泰国
Malaysia Malaysia 马来西亚
India Indian 印度
Denmark Denish 丹麦
Norway Norwegian 挪威
Sweden Swedish 瑞典
Finland Finnish 芬兰
Russia Russian 俄罗斯
Poland Polish 波兰
Germany German 德国
Austria Austrian 奥地利
Netherlan Dutch 荷兰
France French 法国
Spain Spainish 西班牙
Italy Italian 意大利
Australia Australian 澳大利亚
Canada Canadian 加拿大
America American 美国
3. 英文求翻译,类似广告词里的格式 新产品,带来新感受
A fresh type of product brings a new experience you had never before!
AB730 Multi-Touch Transform PC
Innovation, Touch Screen, Transform.
Sharp screen display
27英寸 银灰色 镁铝底座工程塑料机身
27" Silver grey magnalium case with ABS body
Seamless tempered glass panel
2560*1440像素 广视角TN材质面板
2560*1440 Pixel wide-angled TN panel
翻转角度: -5—90度
Rotation degrees: -5 — 90 degrees
Intel i7-4700MQ 2.4GHz 标压处理器
Intel i7-4700MQ 2.4GHz Standard Processor
更多:十点触控屏幕、720P高清摄像头;蓝光光驱、全金属超清凉散热系统、硬盘防震、电源稳压设计、三维降噪、360°电磁辐射、RoHS无铅认证、联想系统拯救、Mcafee杀毒软件、无线键盘、无线鼠标 。
More Features: 10-point Touch Screen, 720P HD Camera, Blu-ray Rom Driver, Full Metal Superior Cooling System, Anti-vibration Hard Disk, 3D Noise Cancelling, 360° Anti-radiation, RoHS Lead-free Certification, Lenovo System Recover, Mcafee Anti-virus Software, Wireless Keyboard, Wireless Mouse.