
1. 梨子的英语单词怎么写 “梨子”英语单词写法:pear
读法:英 [pe?] 美 [p?r]
1、n. [园艺] 梨树;梨子
2、n. (Pear)人名;(英)皮尔
prickly pear仙人掌果
balsam pear苦瓜
Pear Harbor珍珠港
1、I took this apple for a pear until I tasted it.
我误将这个苹果当作梨子,直到我尝了才知道 。
2、The pear trees are blossoming out early this year.
今年梨树很早就在开花了 。
苹果apple英 ['?p(?)l] 美 ['?pl]
桃子peach英 [pi?t?] 美 [pit?]
葡萄grape英 [gre?p] 美 [ɡrep]
柠檬lemon英 ['lem?n] 美 ['l?m?n]
芒果mango 英 ['m??g??] 美 ['m??ɡo]
香蕉banana英 [b?'nɑ?n?] 美 [b?'n?n?]
菠萝pineapple英 ['pa?n?p(?)l] 美 ['pa?n'?pl]
2. 梨子英文怎么读 梨子英文是pear,音标是英 [pe?(r)] 美 [per]
pear英 [pe?(r)] 美 [per]
pear 基本解释
名词梨树; 梨
pear 双语例句
【梨子英语单词怎么写】And she seemed to see on her eyelids the lovely pear tree in the garden with its wide open blossoms as a symbol of her own life.
她的眼睛在看着花园里可爱梨树,梨树上开满了花,好像预示着她的生活一样 。
Nutritional value: pear flesh sweet and delicious, fat and tender and juicy, with Qingrejiedu, lungs Sheng Jin, relieving cough and phlegm and other effects.
营养价值:梨肉香甜可口,肥嫩多汁,有清热解毒、润肺生津、止咳化痰等功效 。
3. 梨子的英文怎么说 梨子
The pear had bruises of dark spots.
The pears will sweeten as they ripen.
The branches of the pear tree were borne down with the weight of the fruit.
4. 梨子的英文怎么读 梨子的英文是pear 。
读音:英 [pe?] 美 [p?r]
n. [园艺] 梨树;梨子
n. (Pear)人名;(英)皮尔
balsam pear 苦瓜
pear tree 梨树
pear juice n. 梨汁
prickly pear 仙人掌,仙人球;霸王树(仙人掌的一种)
1、I took this apple for a pear until I tasted it.
我误将这个苹果当作梨子,直到我尝了才知道 。
2、The pear trees are blossoming out early this year.
今年梨树很早就在开花了 。
3、Just toss a cup of berries — strawberries, blueberries, raspberries — and a sliced (but notpeeled) apple, peach, or pear into your blender.
把一杯莓子——草莓、蓝莓、山莓,还有一片没削皮的苹果、桃、或梨子放入你的搅拌机 。
4、Whether a woman is an "apple" or a "pear" is determined by a range of genetic factors, foundresearchers at Oxford University and the Medical Research Council(MRC) Epidemiology Unit in Cambridge.
牛津大学和剑桥医学研究委员会(MRC)流行病学小组研究人员发现,女性身材是“苹果型”还是“梨子型”是由她们体内的遗传因素决定 。
5、Instead of Tetra Paks one could buy 3-liter jars with tomato, apple, pear or birch juice.
同利乐包装不同的是,人们可以买到3升装的西红柿,苹果,梨子或是桦树汁罐头 。