对错的英语怎么写( 二 )

4. 检查英语翻译对错(关于such as) 所以后面用studying和being.
2. such as后面当然可以加and.
and表示对such as后面的例子的并列连接 。
1)如果有and so on,但是最后两个例子用and连接即可 。
当然如刚好只是两个例子,则之间用and连接 。
3. 如,则such as后面列举的例子中不能再出现and;
2)如果没有and so on,则一般such as后面的例子中一直使用逗号:
I have many friends, such as Tom, Lucy, Lily and so on.
I have many friends, such as Tom1. 楼主正解 。
such as视为一个介词,所以后面如果是动词,则变成动名词形式
5. 这是我自己翻译的一篇英语作文,请大家帮我改对错. Miss Green was going to have a lecture on Monday afternoon.
Yet on Sunday night she was told that she had to go to an important meeting the next dey at exactly the same time as the lecture. “NO one can be in two plecces at once. What shell I do?”she thought, but soon she had an idea.
At five to three on Monday afternoon, Miss Green went along to the lecture room. There were about twenty students waiting there for her “I'm sorry”she told them,“I won't he able to gine my lecture today.”The students looked surprised. Miss Green explained that she had an important meeting “However.”she went on.“although I can't be with you myself,my voice can!” she put a small tape recorded on the desk“You see I've recorded my lecture and you can listen to it without me.”Thinking that she had settled the matter, Miss Green turned on the recordev and left.
The meeting finished a little early .Miss Green decided to go back to her students . She stood for a moment outside the lecture room,listening to her own voice Then uey quietly,she opened the door.To her surprise,the room was empty.As she looked around,she saw a numbre of small recorders-all“listening”toher lecture!
“Well,”she thought,“if I can be in two places at the same time,why can't they?”

