
1. 乘或除用英语怎么说 中文:乘或除 英文: 名词形式:multiplication or division 动词形式:multiply or divide multiply 英[?m?lt?pla?] 美[?m?lt??pla?] vt. 乘; (使) 相乘; (使) 增加; (使) 繁殖; adv. 多样地; 复合地; 多倍地; [电学] 并联地,多路地; adj. 多层的; 多样的; 多股的; [例句]Such disputes multiplied in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries 这类纠纷在18和19世纪大量增多 。
[其他] 第三人称单数:multiplies 现在分词:multiplying 过去式:multiplied过去分词:multiplied 名词:multiplication divide 英[d??va?d] 美[d??va?d] vt. 分; 划分; 分离; (使) 产生分歧; n. 分配; 分水岭,分界线; [例句]The physical benefits of exercise can be divided into three factors 运动对身体的好处可以分为3个方面 。[其他] 第三人称单数:divides 现在分词:dividing 过去式:divided过去分词:divided 名词:division 扩展资料: 加减乘除:?+?-?*?÷? 加+:add/plus? 减-:minus?:['main?s]/subtract 乘*:multiply/times? 除÷:divide 例句:? 1、12+36=48:Twelve?plus?thirty-six?is?forty-eight. 2、10-4=6:?Ten?minus?four?is?six.?/?Ten?minus?four?equals?four. 3、5*5=25:Five?times?five?is?twenty-five.? 4、20÷4=5:Twenty?divided?by?four?is?five.?。
2. 英语的加 减 乘 除 怎么写 1. 加法:加法运算通常用and, plus, add 等表示 。如:
Seven and [plus] eight is [are, make(s)] fifteen. 7加8等于15 。
If you add ten to eight, you get eighteen. 10加8等于18 。
2. 减法:减法运算通常用 minus, from, take (away) (from) 等表示 。如:
Eight minus five is [leaves] three. 8减 5等于3 。
4 from 20 leaves 16. 20减4余16 。
Ten take away four is [leaves] six. 10减去4得6 。(D8)
If you take five from twelve, you're left with seven. 12减去5得7 。
If you take four away from ten, that leaves six. 10减去4得6 。
3. 乘法:乘法运算通常用 times, multiplied by, twice 等表示 。如:
Five times three is [equals] fifteen. 5乘以3等于15 。
Five multiplied by two equals ten. 5乘以2等于10 。
What is twice two? 2乘2是多少?
4. 除法:除法运算通常用 divided by, into 等表示 。如:
Twelve divided by four is [makes] three. 12除以4等于3 。
Four into twelve is [makes] three. 12除以4等于3 。
3. 加减乘除还有等于, 英语怎么写 加减乘除表示法
1. “加”用plus,and或add表示;“等于”用is,make,equal等词表示 。
2+3=? 可表示为: How much is two plus three?
Two plus three is five.
Two and three is equal to five.
Two and three make five.
Two added to three equals five.
If we add two to/and three, we get five.
2. “减”用 minus或 take from表示
10-6=? How much is ten minus six?
Ten minus six is four.
Take six from ten and the remainder is four.
Six (taken) from ten is four.
3. “乘”用time(动词)或multiply表示
3X4=? How much is three times four?
Three times four is/are twelve.
Multiply three by four,we get twelve.
Three multiplied by four makes twelve.
4. “除”用divide的过去分词形式表示
16÷4=? How much is sixteen divided by four?
Sixteen divided by four is four.
Sixteen divided by four equals/gives/makes four.
【乘除的除的英语怎么写】十六除以四等于四 。