
1. 门用英语怎么写 门用英语表示是: door
音标:英 [d??(r)] 美 [d??r]
n. 门;家,户;门口;通道
n. (Door)人名;(英)多尔
at the door 在门边
open the door 开门
next door 隔壁邻居;隔壁
door to door 挨家挨户;门到门
front door n. 前门
When I opened the door, I found an old suitcase kicking about on the floor.
当我打开门的时候,我发现一只旧手提箱随便搁在地板上 。
音标:英 [ɡe?t] 美 [ɡe?t]
n. 大门;出入口;门道
vt. 给… 。装大门
n. (Gate)人名;(英)盖特;(法、瑞典)加特
gate valve 闸门阀;闸式阀
school gate 校门;学校大门
south gate 南盖特(美国加利福尼亚州西南部城市)
gate array [计]门阵列;门数组
golden gate 金门海峡(美国一海峡)
She blandished the gatekeeper into letting her through the gate of the theatre.
她用甜言蜜语哄得看门人让她进了戏院的门 。
2. 门'的英文单词怎么写 门
(房屋、车船等的出入口 ) entrance; exit; door; gate:
便门 side door
前(后)门 front (back) entrance (door)
炉门 stove door
安全门 emergency exit
校门 school gate
(形状或作用像门的东西) switch; valve:
闸门{机} throttle valve
水门 sluice; water gate
电门 switch
(门径; 关键) way ; method; access:
窍门 key; knack
摸着点门儿了 have learned the ropes; know one's way
around; get an inkling
(家; 家族) family; house:
满门 the whole family
喜临门 。Blessing has descended upon the house.
(宗教、学术思想上的派别) school (of thought); (religious) sect;
branch of study:
佛门 Buddhism
孔门弟子 Confucian disciples
左道旁门 heretical sect; heterodox school
(事物的分类) category; class; branch of study:
专门 speciality
门门精通 know every subject or profession
分门别类 divide into different categories
{生} (具有最基本最显著的共同特征的生物的归类) phylum:
原生动物门 Protozoa
脊椎动物门 Vertebrata
{计} gate:
“与”门 AND gate
“非”门 NOT gate
(姓氏) a surname:
门文爱 Men Wen'ai
一门大炮 a piece of artillery; a cannon; a gun
两门迫击炮 two mortars
这一门大炮 this marriage (proposal)
这门学问 this branch of study
学两门手艺 learn two skills (crafts)
3. 英语单词门怎么写 门的英语单词:door
读音:英 [d??(r)] 美 [d??r]
n. 门;门口;途径
1、car door 车门
2、kitchen door 厨房门
3、door bell 门铃
4、door frame 门框
1、He was left to attend to the door during the holidays.
假日期间,他留下看门 。
2、They broke in the door last night.
他们昨夜破门而入 。
3、He was so busy that he didn't visit his uncle when he passed his door.
他很忙,走过叔叔家门时他没进去 。
4、The little girl slammed the awkward door with all her might.
那个小姑娘使劲将那个笨拙的大门关上 。
直接源自古英语的duru,意为门,门户 。
door指楼、房间、碗橱、壁橱等建筑物或家具上的门,也可指“一家〔户〕”“一栋房屋” 。还可指“出入口,门口”,用于抽象意义可表示“通往…之路”,常与介词to连用 。表示“从…门进来〔出去〕”可与介词at或by连用 。