
1. 建立用 英语怎么说 establish
build up
set up
eg. we have done business with them for years, establishing excellent cooperative ralationships with them.
since conception, we have committed to dealing with SKF bearings.
2. 建立的英文单词怎么写 create vt.. 创造;创立(指有创造性的建立)如:Shakespeare created many comic characters.莎士比亚创作了很多喜剧人物 。
set up. 建立;装配;开业;竖立 (比较常用)
estabilish 确立
found 创立,;创办
build建立 (vt. 建筑;建立)
build up 逐步建设;逐步建立;逐步形成 (注:又有“增强”之意思)
develop 也有建立之意 侧重于“发展”
3. 设置的英文怎么写 设置
(1) [set up;install;emplace]∶设立
(2) [interpose]∶放置;装置;干预
set up
[英][set ?p][美][s?t ?p]
建立; 准备; 安排; 引起;
The students also set up debating teams.
学生们还成立了辩论队 。
vt.安装; 安顿,安置; 任命; 使…正式就职;
Do they realize not to install programs without your permission?
And although wonderful things we could emplace that they tell us are working and we know nodoubt, but we believe it right now, we wouldn't be here.
尽管我们可以安置那些毫无疑问能起到作用的美好事物,但是现在我们确信不能待在这里了 。
vt.插(话); 插入; 打断; 提出(反对)以便干预;
Police had to interpose themselves between the two rival groups 。
警方不得不对这两个对立团体进行干预 。
4. 怎么写建立业务关系的英文函电 建立业务关系,要从以下几个方面进行详述: 1、说明你是从何处得知对方的? 2、关于你自己公司的介绍 。
3、期望与对方建立业务关系 。4、期盼尽快回信 。
例文: Dear XXXX, We learn from your information posted on Alibaba.com that you are in the market for textiles. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may establish the business relationship in the future. We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles. We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. You may also visit our online company at Http://xxxxxxxxxx.alibaba.com which includes our latest product line. Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements. We look forward to receiving your enquires soon. Sincerely, XXXXXXXXXX 。
5. 建,英文字怎么写 建(建筑) build; construct; erect:建电站 build a power station新建的工厂 newly-built factory重建家园 rebuild one's homeland大楼边上又扩建了一些教室 。
Extra classrooms were built out from the main block.这座碑是为纪念他而建的 。The monument was erected in his honour.(建立; 设立; 成立) establish; set up; found:建校 found a school建新功 make new contributions唐代建都长安 。
The Tang Dynasty made Chang'an its capital.(提出; 首倡) propose; advocate(指福建) of Fujian Province:建漆 Fujian lacquerware(姓氏) a surname:建公 Jian Gong 。
6. 1至100的英文怎么写 1至100的英文写法:1-20:1 one 。
2 two 。3 three 。
4 four 。5 five 。