
1. “亲戚”用英语怎么说 英文是Relatives 。
1. 我把另一个儿子送到乡下和亲戚住在一起 。
I sent my other son to the country to stay with kinfolk.
2. 她住到丈夫的亲戚家里去了 。
She has gone to live with her husband's kin.
3. 他有个亲戚住在这条马路上 。
He had a relation who lived up the road.
4. 他用官方信纸写信推荐一个亲戚的公司 。
He had written letters on official notepaper to promote a relative's company.
5. 他拜访了住在河畔避暑别墅的亲戚 。
He visited relatives at their summer house on the river.
6. 他们父母都去世后,父亲这边的一个亲戚把他们家里的东西全都拉走了 。
After both their parents died, one of their father's relatives carted off the entire contents of the house.
7. 他们以为他们的亲戚们会把签证办好 。
They thought that their relatives would be able to fix the visas.
8. 伊恩是她唯一还在世的亲戚 。
Ian was her only living relative.
9. 亲戚们正在安慰他那心急如焚的父母 。
His distraught parents were being comforted by relatives.
10. 她打算回都柏林,去看望一下结婚后就再没见过面的亲戚 。
She plans to return to Dublin to catch up with the relatives she has not seen since she married.
2. “亲戚”用英语怎么说 英文是Relatives 。
“亲戚”的中英文对照例句: 我把另一个儿子送到乡下和亲戚住在一起 。I sent my other son to the country to stay with kinfolk. 她住到丈夫的亲戚家里去了 。
She has gone to live with her husband's kin. 他有个亲戚住在这条马路上 。He had a relation who lived up the road. 他用官方信纸写信推荐一个亲戚的公司 。
He had written letters on official notepaper to promote a relative's company. 他拜访了住在河畔避暑别墅的亲戚 。He visited relatives at their summer house on the river. 他们父母都去世后,父亲这边的一个亲戚把他们家里的东西全都拉走了 。
After both their parents died, one of their father's relatives carted off the entire contents of the house. 他们以为他们的亲戚们会把签证办好 。They thought that their relatives would be able to fix the visas.伊恩是她唯一还在世的亲戚 。
Ian was her only living relative. 亲戚们正在安慰他那心急如焚的父母 。His distraught parents were being comforted by relatives. 她打算回都柏林,去看望一下结婚后就再没见过面的亲戚 。
She plans to return to Dublin to catch up with the relatives she has not seen since she married.。
3. 亲戚用英语怎么说 很多说法啊 1, kith and kin e.g. Chinese people living all over the world are our kith and kin. 居住在世界各地的华人都是我们的骨肉同胞 。
2, kin 这个是家属,亲属的总称. e.g. All his kin were at the wedding. 他的家人和亲戚都参加了婚礼. 3, relative 4,如果要表示清楚是男还是女,就说 kinsman 或 kinswoman 。
4. 亲家的英语怎么说 我们每个人都有很多亲属,那么我们应该怎样用英语来称呼他们呢?father,mother,dad,mom 的意思分别是“父亲”,“母亲”,“爸爸”,“妈妈”,前两个词为书面语,后两个词是孩子在家对“爸爸”,“妈妈”的称呼常用在中语中.还有daddy和 mommy也是孩子们最喜欢的称呼语.称呼还有husband,wife,son,daughter,brother,sister,uncle,aunt,nephew,niece,cousin.在father mother前面加上grand组成 grandmother和grandfather,就是祖父祖母或外公外婆,口语当中常用 grandma grandpa.这里哥哥,弟弟都用brother 来表示,sister可以同时表示姐姐、妹妹,这跟汉语是不同的,一般在西方家庭兄弟姐妹之间都可以直呼其名,那么当你必须说明你和你的兄弟姐妹之间的长幼关系时怎么办呢?可以在brother或sister前面加上elder这个词,elder brother 或elder sister,就表示哥哥、姐姐了,或者也可以加上big,这个词也能表示同样的意义.那么在brother 或者sister前面加上younger就可以表示“弟弟、妹妹”了,就是younger brother,younger sister.英语中对亲戚的称呼跟中文也是有区别的,结婚以后,双方的直系亲属也就是immediate family就都变成了对方的姻亲in-laws,比如father-in-law就是指岳父或者是公公,mother-in-law指岳母或婆婆,sister-in-law嫂子、弟媳等等,brother-in-law指内兄、内弟、小叔子、姐夫、妹夫等等.一看中英文的对照,就知道英语对亲属的称谓比起中文要简单得多.中文按年龄、男方还是女方的关系等等为亲属冠之以不同的称呼,而西方人似乎不太在乎这位亲戚是父亲这边的(on the father's side)还是母亲那边的(on the mother's side),一视同仁,给一个称呼.更有意思的是对distant relatives,也就是“远亲”的称呼.cousin一词不分男女,概括了所有“堂兄弟和堂姐妹或者表兄弟和表姐妹”.而“侄子或外甥”都是 nephew;“侄女或外甥女”则都是"niece".不过,尽管英语中的称谓不如中文的分工细致,"Blood is thicker than water"(血浓于水)是东、西方人都认同的 。