
1. 超市的英语单词怎么写 supermarket
英 ['su?p?mɑ?k?t] 美 ['su?p?rmɑ?rk?t]
n. 超级市场
n. (名词)
[C] 超级市场 large shop selling food, household goods, etc.which one takes from the shelves oneself and pays for at the exit
n. (名词)
a large self-service grocery store selling groceries and dairy products and household goods
用作名词 (n.)
A variety of food is sold at a supermarket.
超级市场各式各样的食物均有出售 。
The supermarket is just in the corner of the street.
超市就在街角 。
Another supermarket opened last week.
上星期又有一家超级市场开张了 。
He usually trades at the nearby supermarket.
他通常在附近的超市购物 。
There is an underground car park near the supermarket.
这个超市附近有一个地下停车场 。
用作名词 (n.)
new supermarket 新的超级市场
at〔in〕 a supermarket 在超级市场
2. “对面”的英语单词怎么写 opposite
把画挂在窗户对面的墙上 。
Hang the picture on the wall opposite the window.
银行在超级市场对面 。
The bank is opposite the supermarket.
吃饭的时候我坐在他的对面 。
I sat opposite to him during the meal.
我问对面的人他愿意不愿意开门 。
I asked the man opposite if he would open the door.
奶油公司在我们大楼的对面 。
The creamery is in the opposite of our building.
Have you seen the house opposite the railway station?
我住在对面的房子里 。
I live in the house opposite.
我在街道对面的连锁商店里买了这只面包 。
I bought this loaf of bread in the chain store opposite the street.
3. 英语1到100的全部单词怎么写 1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
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