
1. 往事英文怎么翻译【旧事英文怎么写】 翻译是:past events 。
解释:past events 英[pɑ?st i?vent?] 美[p?st ??v?nt?] [词典] 往迹;往事;轨辙; [例句]Past events flashed across my mind again.往事又浮上脑海 。We cannot change the past events, only the impact they have on us. 我们不能改变过去已发生的事件,只能改变那些事件对我们的影响 。
The past events have forever gone. 过去的事情已经永远过去了 。Our recollection of past events can be coloured by our emotional response to them( emotional tagging). 我们对往事的回忆会受到我们对其情感反应的影响&情感标签 。
Take a look at what went wrong by back tracking and thinking about similar pastevents. 通过回溯和考虑过去的相似的事件,看一看什么地方出了错 。Memory refers to the ability to recall the past events and experiences. and on everypossible occasion. 记忆力指的是记住过去的事实和经历的能力.利用一切可能的场合锻炼记忆力 。