
1. 英语音标都怎么写 辅音部分(28个) [ p ] pot pig put people piano potato [ b ] book bag big job bear but brother [ t ] tooth teacher tea table task tell [ d ] dog dig duck dad double day [ k ] cake keep cat cup cap [ g ] grandpa girl green good god [ f ] father fat foot full fit [ v ] five very vent drive vary [ s ] small study bus yes must [ z ] jazz zoo zero clothes zig [ θ ] eighth forth tenth eleventh ninth [ δ ] those these that this there [ ? ] cash bush shake shoe ship [ ? ] measure pleasure leisure [ t? ] chair chicken lunch change [ d? ] jack job [ tr ] tree truck train [ dr ] dress drink drain [ ts ] students coats cats [ dz ] beds odds codes [ m ] mum moon morning [ n ] moon nut needle [ ? ] ink link ring [ h ] hello hurry hey [ l ] look leg lake [ r ] rain radio room [ w ] window wake week [ j ] yellow yes you 单元音(12个): [ e ] yes yellow bed pen [ ? ] cat bad dad [ ɑ: ] are car far [ ? ] cut nut but mother color [ ? ] pot got dog [ ?: ] call tall or [ ?: ]curtain further fur [ ? ] mother farmer doctor [ i ] ink big pig [ i: ] jeep tea eat [ u ] good book look cook [ u: ] cool zoo tool cooler 双元音(8个): [ ei ] age day make date [ ɑi ] ice bike nice kite [ ?i ]toy oil boy [ ?u ] old joke gold [ ɑu ] cloud mouth cow [ e? ] air fair chair [ i? ] ear near year [ u? ] cure dure pure 。
2. what的音标怎么写 what的音标为英 [w?t] 美 [wɑ?t] 。具体释义如下:
what 英 [w?t] 美 [wɑ?t]
pron. 什么
【you音标怎么写】adj. 什么;哪个
adv. 用于感叹句中
int. 什么
Find what 查找内容 ; 查找目标 ; 寻找目标 ; 查找什么
What sort 哪门子
what effect 取得什么效果 ; 传播效果 ; 什么效果 ; 产生什么效果
at what 而且
what pron 什么 ; 啥子 ; 疑问代词
He drinks what is left in his glass as if it were water.
他把杯子里所剩下的全部喝光,好像那是水一样 。
英 [w?t'ev?] 美 [w?t'?v?]
det. 任何事物;不管什么;究竟是什么;(非正式)无所谓
pron. 无论什么;诸如此类
adj. 都,任何
adv. 一点儿都不,丝毫;(非正式)不管怎样
conj. 任何事物
int. (非正式)随便(常暗示不感兴趣)
Whatever Works 怎样都行 ; 总之得就得 ; 纽约遇到爱 ; 管用就好
and whatever 无论你发生了什么
all whatever 所有的一切 ; 所有无论 ; 所有什么
英 ['en?θ??] 美 ['?n?'θ??]
pron. 任何事
Anything Goes 万事成空 ; 怎么都行 ; 海上情缘 ; 怎么样都好
Do anything 按兵不动 ; 做任何事 ; 干啥呢 ; 做任何事情
Draw Anything 猜猜画画

