
1. 英语作文 Personal Statement
I graduated from univeristy. I want to establish my career in Wuhan, as I have set up my home here and will live here for a long time.
I am very healthy and didn't ask for any sick leave during my university years. I behaved very well in university, without any violation of school rules or school regulations. I am a diligent, energetic young man. I have a strong and firm fundamental of my speciality. I worked hard at univeristy and I was one of the top students with outstanding grades.
I am ready to help others when they need help,and I enjoy working with others cooparatively.
Take me and I will certainly return you a pleasant surprise.
2. 求一篇写自己【英语学习中的优势与不足】的英语作文 Now , English is very important in the world,you can hear English ervrywhere.So it very useful in our life.I have been learning English for 3 years old,and I like English very much. I can remember the English words very fast,and I can also learn it easy, but I have a big problem.That is I forget the English quickly as soon as learn English quickly.On the other hand,I can not lean English grammer very good. So, I think I should do more exercise and try my best to learn English well. 呵呵 。
写完了 。因为不知道你读几年级,应该用什么水平写,也不知道要得不 。
如果不行 我再改改 。
3. 写一篇关于知道外语优势的英语作文 I Like Reading
I like reading very much.When I was a small girl,I was interested in reading picture books on science and history.At the age of seven,I entered a primary school and began to read more books.
Now I am a middle school student.I have many subjects to learn.Every day I must finish a lot of homework.I am very busy.But when I have spare time I still want to read some story books.One day my young sister brought me a book Xl YOU J I.I read the book with GREat interest.I like Monkey King very much.
4. 我的优势怎么写 写自己的优势可以选择出能充分表现中心的材料,要有真实性,即选出真人真事真景,包括来自现实生活的艺术真实,要有现实性,即选出有现实积极意义的材料 。在选材具体操作时,最行之有效的选材方法是展开联想,联糸生活,即选材时可通过联想,从家庭生活、学校生活、社会生活等任意一个方面写自己 。
在学习上,凭着对知识的渴望和追求,我一向严于律己,刻苦钻研,勤奋好学,态度端正,目标明确,为把自己,变成一个掌握现代信息和职业技能的合格***,我牢固掌握了本专业的基础知识和技能,除此之外我还广泛猎取其他学科的知识,给自己更多的机会参加社会实践,做到理论联系实际 。
学习能力强大,专业知识过硬。本人曾多次获得各类专业奖学金,包括国家励志奖学金、省优秀大学生奖学金等;最近被学院提名参评2014年度国家励志奖学金 。
踏实肯干,不畏艰难,能吃苦能抗压 。学会了与不同人群交流,并取得他人信赖,我清楚认识到:身份就是一张白纸,取胜与否在于心态 。
沟通协调能力强,善于团队合作 。大学四年的工作经历能够证明我这一点,尤其是学生会和社团的工作经历,我善于听取他人意见,并有自己的主观判断,具有与团结合作协调能力 。为人正直、心地善良、乐于助人 。对待自己的事业有上进心、有责任心、有耐心 。
良好的学习能力,刻苦的钻研精神,良好的适应能力是我努力向前迈进的动力 。喜欢与人交往,善于与人沟通,能积极学习别人的优点 。真诚、不重利:愿意靠实力来获取财富,不贪慕虚荣,不盲目攀比 。适应能力强,对生活不抱怨,热爱生活,享受生活 。
在工作上,除了积极参加学校、系、班级组织的各项活动外,结合自身特长,我还积极参加学校、社会组织的各种网络设计比赛,并获得奖励,为学校争光,得到了学校、老师和同学们的认可 。