
1. 毕业论文英文摘要怎么写 Clear in recent years new types of insecticides on control effect of rice leaf roller in the territory in lujiang County 2010 field to spray pesticide law on 3 kinds of new insecticide for the control of single cropping Rice in five (five), field test of rice leaf roller. Test results indicates that, 97% acetyl methyl amine phosphorus DF on rice longitudinal volume leaves borer has better of volume leaves anti-effect and insecticidal effect, each 667m2 medication volume 60g, and 90g, effects drug Hou 7d of volume leaves anti-effect and insecticidal anti-effect respectively reached 67.5% and 80% above, but effects drug Hou 11d of volume leaves anti-effect and insecticidal anti-effect respectively only up 51.8% and 63.1% above, below each 667m2 with 48% music Republika this EC100ml anti-effect, but are than each 667m2 with 20% acetyl methyl amine phosphorus EC150ml anti-effect. The safety of chemicals on rice growth, large-area application is recommended for 60-90g/667m2, if the rice leaf roller heavy, peak times occur, taking into account the efficacy of its period is not long, once every 7-10d spraying, and appropriately increase the dosage suitable spraying time to master at the peak of cnaphalocrocis medinalis larvae. 。
2. 毕业论文的英文摘要怎么写 1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖 。
2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表 。(短篇论文不必列目录)
3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录 , 要求短、精、完整 。字数少可几十字 , 多不超过三百字为宜 。
4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的 , 是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇 。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语 , 便于信息系统汇集 , 以供读者检索 。每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词 , 另起一行 , 排在“提要”的左下方 。
主题词是经过规范化的词 , 在确定主题词时 , 要对论文进行主题 , 依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语 。
(1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言 , 用在论文的开头 。引言一般要概括地写出作者意图 , 说明选题的目的和意义 ,  并指出论文写作的范围 。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题 。
〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体 , 正文应包括论点、论据、论证过程和结论 。主体部分包括以下内容:
d.结论 。
6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料 , 列于论文的末尾 。参考文献应另起一页 , 标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行 。
(1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物 , 以便读者考证 。
(2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息 。
3. 毕业论文英文摘要怎么写啊 我的翻译:Adopts potato as raw material to produce starch produces a lot of high concentration organic wastewater containing, if straight into water will cause water pollution. In order to achieve the environmental protection goal must be to these wastewater through the corresponding processing thus makes its standards. This topic is A QingShanOu in wuhan DianFenChang design corresponding sewage structures to its emissions standard. According to the feature of the water quality, BOD and COD concentration are high, and regulations the emitting concentration BOD and COD is lower; And the water quality characteristics different from any other, is that the sewage, belong to high concentrations of NaCl high salt water, this must will make some sewage structures of sewage treatment ability to change. Overall, by comparing several factors present this design USES the more often at home and abroad for the treatment of starch wastewater UASB - SBR technology to deal with the waste water. And the main structures, the wastewater treatment plant of wastewater treatment plant of general drawing layout and elevation layout to do a detailed calculation and instructions.你的问题补充翻译:Wuhan, hubei, A factory potato starch production wastewater treatment engineering design 。