
1. 跳芭蕾英文怎么说 ballet ['b?lei] n. 芭蕾舞
performing ballet 是跳芭蕾(这是最标准的说法,维基等多数外国网站都用这个)
e.g.I am good at performing ballet.
ballet dancing
【芭蕾的英文怎么写】e.g.ballet dancing on the beach \Zhang ballet dancing.
在有些语境中也可以用do ballet
e 。g.My mom was a big-time dancer, she was gonna do ballet
2. 有谁可以给我提供有关芭蕾的英文说明 Ballet is a beautiful type of dance. It emphasizes elegance, lightness, and grace. The movements are smooth, effortless, and show great charm. The dance conbines with music, costumes, and mime to tell a story or to convey a feeling.
I love ballet, it is in me. I love nothing as much. Sometimes I wonder why ballet is more than anything to me. I am siezed by the magic of ballet, I am trapped in it and I cannot leave it even if I tried. It is so powerful.
Many little girls like me are attracted by the beauty of ballet. But I love it more than anyone else. I can sacrifice everything for it, and I will.
3. 各种舞蹈用英文怎么说 1、belly dance 读音:英 [?beli dɑ:ns] 美 [?b?li d?ns] n.肚皮舞 例句:She is a leading professional belly dance, choreographer, and teacher. 她既是杰出的专业肚皮舞演员,也是舞蹈指导和老师 。
2、tango 读音:英 [?t??g??] 美 [?t??go?] n.探戈舞,探戈舞曲 vi.跳探戈舞 第三人称单数: tangos 复数: tangos 在分词: tangoing 过去式: tangoed 过去分词: tangoed 例句:She describes the tango as a very sexy dance. 她把探戈描述为一种非常性感的舞蹈 。3、samba 读音:英 [?s?mb?] 美 [?s?mb?,?sɑm-] n.桑巴舞(一种源自非洲的巴西舞) vi.跳桑巴舞 复数: sambas 例句:I can neither waltz nor do the samba. 我既不会跳华尔兹也不会跳桑巴舞 。
4、rumba 读音:英 ['r?mb?] 美 [?r?mb?,?r?m-,?rum-] n.伦巴舞(由古巴黑人民间舞蹈发展而成的一种交际舞) vi.跳伦巴舞 复数: rumbas 例句:I like rumba and jitterbug very much. 我很喜欢伦巴舞和吉特巴舞 。5、waltz 读音:英 [w?:ls] 美 [w?:lts] n.华尔兹舞;华尔兹舞曲 vt.与…跳华尔兹舞;带领,率领或迫使 vi.轻快地走动;旋转;豪不费力地完成一项工作 第三人称单数: waltzes 复数: waltzes 现在分词: waltzing 过去式: waltzed 过去分词: waltzed 例句:'Waltz with me,' he said, taking her hand “来和我跳支华尔兹吧,”他边说边牵起她的手 。
6、ballet 读音:英 [?b?le?] 美 [b??le,?b?l?e] n.芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞团;芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞音乐 复数: ballets 例句:She is also keen on the ballet. 她也热衷于芭蕾舞 。
4. 舞蹈的英文是什么 舞蹈的英文是dance 。
英 [dɑ:ns];美 [d?ns] n.跳舞;舞会;舞曲;舞蹈艺术vi.跳舞;手舞足蹈;摇晃;跳跃vt.使跳舞1、It's a terrible thing when nobody wants to dance with you 没有人想和你跳舞是一件很糟糕的事情 。2、He escorted a girl to the dance. 他陪同一个姑娘去跳舞 。
3、Everyone was supposed to dance with the bride and pin money on her dress 每个人都要和新娘跳舞,并把钱别在她的衣服上 。4、Why not go out and see if there's some place we can dance? 5、Come on Doreen, let's dance. 来吧,多琳,我们跳舞吧 。
扩展资料dance:第三人称单数:dances ;复数:dances;现在分词:dancing;过去式:danced;过去分词:danced 。dancing:英 [?dɑ:ns??];美 [?d?ns??] vt.跳舞;雀跃;闪亮,闪动;dance的现在分词vi.参加或表演(舞蹈);使跳舞;因跳舞而…n.舞蹈,舞步;舞蹈艺术;舞会;舞曲1、She begins dancing, kicking her legs high in the air. 她开始跳舞,做了空中高踢腿动作 。
2、Let's go dancing tonight. 我们今晚去跳舞吧 。ball, dance这两个名词均有“舞会”之意 。