
1. 烤肉这个单词用英语怎么写 barbecue ['bɑ:bikju:]
1. (户外)烤肉;烤鸡;烤鱼2. (户外)烤(肉)架;轻便烤炉3. 烤全牲 , 烤全猪 , 烤全羊 , 烤全牛4. 烤全牲野宴;户外烤肉餐5. 烤肉餐馆6. [美国俚语]水灵妞儿 , 性感女郎碰头会[亦作 barbeque]
1. (在野外或在明火上)烤 , 炙(肉类):
例句: They barbecued several pieces of beef, fowl and fish.
他们在户外烤了几块肉、鸡和鱼 。
2. 用烧烤调味汁烤炙:
例句: To barbecue several pieces of chicken
3. 整烤(牛、羊等):
例句: We barbecued a steer.
我们整烤了一只小公牛 。
在户外烤肉;举行烤全牲野宴 , 举行烧烤野餐会:
例句: If the weather's fine, we'll barbecue in the ranch.
【烤肉英语怎么写】如果天气好的话 , 我们将在农场举行烤肉野餐 。
1. (户外)烤肉的2. 户外烤肉餐的;烤全牲野宴的3. 烤炙的 , 在户外烤炙的4. 用烧烤调味汁烤炙的
barbecue比较常用 grill,roast meat亦可以表达“烤肉”
2. 烧烤的英文怎么写 barbecue ['bɑ:bikju:] n. 烤肉vt. 烤肉 , 烧烤 n. 烤肉vt. 烤肉 , 烧烤词形变化时 态:bar·be·cued, bar·be·cu·ing, bar·be·cues点击查看……常用短语barbecue sauce 在全烧(或全烤)时涂抹烤物用的沙司烧烤鱼或肉时所用调味液烤肉调味酱点击查看……英英解释 3个名词解释meat that has been barbecued or grilled in a highly seasoned sauce[同] barbecue, barbequea cookout in which food is cooked over an open fire; especially a whole animal carcass roasted on a spit[同] barbecue, barbeque show all。
( 3 ) a rack to hold meat for cooking over hot charcoal usually out of doors[同] barbecue, barbequeless。点击查看…… 1个动词解释cook outdoors on a barbecue grill[同] cook out, barbecue, barbeque[例] let's barbecue that meatWe cooked out in the forest 。
3. 写一个英语短文,写你喜欢的食物(尽量写烤肉),150词, Fish is my favorite food. I don't know why I like to eat it. I just feel the smell of fish is very delicious. Maybe is heredity, as my father and grandma also like it. What's more, I don't care what kind of fish or what kind of coking style, I like all of them without reasons. Everytime my mother cook fish, I will eat much more than usual. So my mother always says that she gives birth to a cat. Everytime she says that all of us laugh.
鱼是我最喜欢的食物 。我不知道我为什么喜欢它 。我只是觉得鱼的味道很好吃 。也许是遗传的 , 因为我的父亲和奶奶也喜欢它 。更重要的是 , 我不在乎什么样的鱼或是什么样的烹饪方式 , 我就是毫无理由的喜欢所有的 。每次妈妈煮鱼的时候 , 我会吃的比平时多 。我妈妈总是说她生了一只猫 。每次她说的时候我们都笑了 。
4. 谁能帮我写一篇关于介绍新疆烤肉的英语小作文,不需要太长,大概意 你好 , 本人就是新疆的 , 也特爱吃烤肉 , 介绍新疆烤肉 , 用一句话可以描述它的特点 中文:烤羊肉串在中国已有1800多年的历史 , 其中当属新疆烤肉之最 , 其烤肉风味独具 , 肥香热辣 , 驰名中外 。
英文:Roast mutton in China has a history of over 1800 years, which was the Xinjiang barbecue most, its barbecue unique flavor, sweet hot fat, renowned at home and abroad 。. 。

