
1. 积累两亿人的片段作文 那张10元,那句道谢的话,使我流连忘返,懂得了道理 。
——题记 至于我,对“成长”这两字的理解并不太明白 。但有件事却使我明白啦成长中的一个道理,这个道理又让我深刻领悟到什么才叫“成长” 。
成长使我长大;成长使我懂得回报;成长使我明白“赠人玫瑰,手有余香” 。成长…… 那时我已是个“小读书人”还懂得一些道理 。
那次的下午,我从学校回家,回家的路上,一位阿姨站在书报亭旁边,好像在等公交车的到来 。我眼一瞟,看见了阿姨脚下的10元钱,当时!心里特别高兴,心想:啊!有10元钱 。
这时我的脚步慢慢地停了下来,我却没有去捡钱,而是身不由己的跑到阿姨的身边,边指着钱边对阿姨说:“阿姨这是您的钱吗?”此时我心跳加快 。阿姨向下看了看说:“是啊,谢谢你小朋友 。”
阿姨说完我便走了 。回到家里,我想我长大了,成熟了,因为我学会了向别人主动说话、交流,而不会像平时一样不敢和别人交流 。
阿姨的道谢,是我心里美滋滋的,让我真正的懂得了“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”的道理 。成长的滋味很不错,让我不断我完善自我 。
2. 做家务心得两Do the housework. A day ,I sit there is no thing on the sofa and do it ,And but mama in busy inside the housework is doing in busy other parts of country.Saw mama 's busy figure ,― of an idea flashes out in my heart.―.Do the housework for mama. Begin ,Mama doesn't let me do it resolutely ,She said the :.“.None of homeworks wrote it ,Want to do the housework for me ,It will do not to cause trouble while trying to help !”.I resolutely say : to mama.“.Is to work and train together ,You let me do it ,You go to having a rest !”.Mama was pestered by me have no way out ,Finally still answered. Those who must first do is to clean the handrail ,Mama calls me and want to clean with the rag ,I beat a pail of water first from outside and mention in the room inside ,Have from the table and bring the rag.I threw the rag in the pail of water to soak ,Is wringing out ,Then is studying mama ,Roll up the sleeve ,Clasped the rag in the hand tightly ,Then half squat on one's heels in the field ,Those who make efforts is cleaning ,All the dust of handrail was cleaned by me.Sometimes ,The leg squated on one's heels sour ,I had better kneel in the field and clean.I clean out from the corner ,The from 1 floor is cleaned to the 6 floor.Wait me to clean the handrail good back ,I has been soaked with sweat ,Both sides knee kneels and have to be red ,But saw the spotless handrail ,My in the heart 滋 of sweet 滋. I following ,I help mama to wash dishes again.I put in order the bowl of all ,Insert a bowl of pond.Mama said and wash clean would carefully go to greasy dirt.I bring in great hurry and wash clean fine ,Some driped in the to the pond of bowl.I opened the headstall of water.My left hand takes the bowl ,Right hand takes and 巾 wash dishes ,Clean the bowl first inside ,Clean the bowl again outside ,Mama said the bowl along it is clean to want to dry.Sleeve is rolled up ,.”.I feel clean ,Is wanting to put it ,Hand 1 slippery ,“.Thud ”.1 voice ,The bowl droped into in the pond of bowl ,Br frightened in my heart ,Took the bowl ,Fortunately it is bad not to fall.This went to me and more took care ,Then wash the second 、.The third ….….Until finished washing the bowl ,I breathe freely. I think of the :.“.It looks as if ordinary these houseworks are very easy ,Did difficult.”. After finishing washing the bowl ,I do a lot of household choreses for mama again.1 world comes ,I am already exhausted.I finally experience to mama did the housework in normal times troubled ! 。
3. 两亿年前的世界作文450字 回答
从地球诞生到6亿年前,这段时间在地球历史上被称为隐生宙,虽然延续的时间约有40亿年,但由于材料不足,未能划分出详细的历史发展阶段,一般只再分为太古代和元古代,而它们之间还无确定的界限,因此常统称为前古生代 。