
1. 宝贝的英文怎么写 原发布者:goz5383
宝贝的英文怎么写 中文名:宝贝 英文名:treasure;cowry;dotey;baby 相关短语 天才宝贝BabyandMe;AkachantoBoku;FasTracKids;BabyGeniuses 星际宝贝Lilo&Stitch;Stitch;LiloendStitch;HeMeleNoLilo 小猪宝贝Babe;BTGP;Baaramewe;BabeTheGallantPig 金宝贝Gymboree;Gym;GYMB;Gymwearye 甜心宝贝Sugababes;Candyman;SWEETBABY;JerryMaguireBaby 宝贝双星LUVSYMBOLS;sexsymbols 宝贝好坏VeryBadThings 宝贝描绘PRODUCTDESCRIPTION;DESCRIPTION;PRODUCTINFO;Babydescription 宝贝尺寸Size;ProductSize;BabySize;BUYERSMUSTREAD 双语例句 宝贝 , 把你裤子往上提一提 。Hikeyourtrousersup,baby. 没有你宝贝我会怎样活着? HowdoIlivewithoutyoubaby? 她安抚着她的宝贝 , 又给了他一块糖 。Shesquaredherbabyoffandgavehimanothersweet. 宝贝 , 我可以做什么? Baby,whatcanIdo? 它是我的宝贝 , 我可以对它做任何我喜欢的事 。It'smybabyandIcandoanythingwithitIlike. 宝贝 , 我能做什么? Baby,whatcanIdo? 你是我的宝贝 。Youaremybaby. 是啊 , 宝贝 。Yeah,baby. 宝贝 , 请告诉我我该如何继续? Pleasetellmebaby,HowdoIgoon? 当然 , 我爱我的宝贝 。O
2. 求开心宝贝主题曲开心向前飞的英文翻译 I wake up wake up the sea mountains I awaken the desert is full of color and beautiful place happy to fly forward even if there are millions of kilometers a ton of luggage we don't give up needs courage fly straight ahead is the most important good forget the troubles of the great Ren Feixiang full of joy home and try to let us enter our ambition to is higher than the day Yun A gently float come a little bit dream contour disclosed fly fly fly in the morning and the evening, La, La, la。
。The wind gently blowing over the wings of dream meteor across the sky travel back to the place where dreams. 标点符号自己打 。
3. 宝贝的英文怎么写 宝贝的英文是treasure 。
词汇分析音标:英 ['tre??] 美62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333365653930 ['tr???] 释义: n. 财富 , 财产;财宝;珍品 vt. 珍爱;珍藏 短语Treasure Buddies 护宝狗狗 ; 影片名称 ; 宝藏狗狗 ; 珍宝小英雄 Treasure Grab 绝世神偷 treasure chest 百宝箱 ; 藏宝箱 ; 松井絵里奈 ; 藏包箱 Treasure Level 百乐坊 ; 百乐坊娱乐场 拓展资料1、He often rakes around the market for some art treasure. 他经常在市场上到处寻找艺术珍品 。2、I was completely baffled in my search for hidden treasure. 我寻找隐藏的财宝的努力完全失败了 。
3、Remind yourself at the time of how it makes you feel and what about it you want to treasure. 提醒你自己记住那一瞬间你的感受以及你最希望珍藏起来以供回味的部分 。4、A friend is a living treasure, and if you have one, you have one of the most valuable gifts in life. 朋友是生活中的珍品 , 如果你有了这样的一个朋友 , 你就有了一个最宝贵的礼物 。
5、And I answered him, "I will go for half of thy treasure. 我于是回答他 , ‘我只为你的半壁财宝而离开 。

