
1. 垃圾桶又不见了拿回家腌咸菜用英语写一篇行为规则的短文 e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e78988e69d8331333337613166it is a increasing trend that people's morlity is going down as our economy boom. Recently, it is reported that one of our citizen has illegaly brought the public litter bin to his home and use it as a cantainer for making the meal without considering that this behavior will definityly affect the convenience of public normal life. It is easy to imaging that people can't find where they can discard their rubbish when the litter bin is disapperead. Hence, it is highly advocated that the correponding department or government should associately enact the l 。
2. 垃圾桶又不见了拿回家腌咸菜用英语写一篇行为规则的短文【咸菜英语怎么写】 it is a increasing trend that people's morlity is going down as our economy boom. Recently, it is reported that one of our citizen has illegaly brought the public litter bin to his home and use it as a cantainer for making the meal without considering that this behavior will definityly affect the convenience of public normal life. It is easy to imaging that people can't find where they can discard their rubbish when the litter bin is disapperead. Hence, it is highly advocated that the correponding department or government should associately enact the l 。