
1. 英文的工作报告怎么写啊 举个例子吧 2004年,就是我工作的第五年了,这些年,我由一个蒙蒙憧憧的实习生,成长为一名有着丰富工作经验的护士 。
病人在一轮轮的换着,科里也在这几年中离开了不少老同事,来了好多新同事!不过相处的岁月中,工作的协调与配合中依然那么依然有序 。又快过年了,感触不由得从心底像投幕电影一样,放映着这一年之中发生的一件又一件事情! 最有意义的事:今年我们分组了,这也许算得上是头等大事吧?我们科整个分了两组,我被分在了前组,虽然和从前一成不变的工作模式有了很多的差异,可是我们每个人都勇敢的尝试着新的工作重点 。
这未尝不是件好事啊,也许换一下方法,会使我们的科室变得更加有力…… 2004, has been my fifth year of job , these are annual, I am grown up for one nurse who has rich work experience by a drizzly flickering probationer. The patient has been in wheels of exchanging for , Corey has been leaving many old colleague also in this several middles of the year , has been coming to a lot of new colleague! However get along with in years, coordination and the middle fitting working are as before so as before ordered. Will celebrate the New Year soon, feeling can't help looking like throwing curtain film deep down, one piece thing after another happening in 1 year being showing this! The most meaningful thing: Is that this year we have been divided into group , this can maybe include to be a cardinal question? Our section entire have been allotted two group , my quilt 。
2. 写报告的英文 原发布者:Patiencehuang
3. 马克吐温的英文报告怎么做 我有一个关于马克吐温的写作风格的分析,不知道对你有没有帮助哦借鉴了一个硕士论文的,In American literature, Twain is not only a great humorist, but also an eminent master who developed a unique style of his own-colloquialism. His greatness lies in his blending of humor with lively language. His language is vernacular, idiomatic, and rich in slang. Much of the slang is still viable today. His language dates so much less than that of most of his English and American contemporaries. He is very vital in his idioms. The simple, spoken English language holds up much better than the literary ones. Great humor combined with wonderful language, wisdom and humaneness "is an irresistible and priceless treasure "Neider, 1985). Twain understood instinctively the virtues of sober English prose, unadorned with literary sequins, and why the four-letter words have lasted for centuries, only in his most recent time being debased by overuse. In addition, his wild effects often stem from his extraordinarily rich and wide-ranging vocabulary and his vigorous and unexpected use of verbs. Growing up as a journalist, Twain had the journalist's instinct. This is not necessarily a handicap in the creation of literature. Insofar as it stimulates a sense of audience, of common sense and the use of native speech and lore, that is, as it inspires one to attempt of colloquy in common terms but with uncommon genius. His ability to imitate styles of speech, with a vast array of accurate detail, is remarkable.The American yarn had important influences on Twain. One of his triumphs in Huckleberry Finn was the introduction in breadth and depth of mock-oral language into the American novel and his mastering of the American spoken idioms in print. In his accomplishment, he was aided with an incomparable ear and a subtle memory. This particular triumph was dependent on his decision to tell the story from the point of view and in the language of its protagonist, a decision that had major consequences from the hairy-chest branch of the American novel. What he lacked was a studied Eastern conscience to refine the great ore he mined, what he had in great measure was the naked power of the man with the gift of gab. He knew what a yarn was, and what it was for, and what to do with it. He did not think that a good yarn needs prettifying, and he told it straight, without trimmings. His high finks are remarkable: his love of mugging, monologue, dialect, caricature, irony, and sometimes sarcasm. He is a great proponent of the tall story, piling details on until the story comes crashing down, or rather makes you think it is going to crash, but to your surprise, survives. As a result, he is uproarious. During his lifetime, Twain created many ,novels, sketches, essays, comments and travel books. His writing life, which lasted as long as 50 years can be roughly divided into three stages. The Early Period is from 1850s to 1869,the Middle period, from the early 70s to the end of the 80s; the Late Period, from the beginning of 90s to the early 20`"Twain's earliest juvenilia began as early as 1851,the year of his first extent sketch. He "wrote but little for periodicals hereafter" (Twain, 1871). In the following twenty years of experimentation, he wrote hundreds of tales and sketches, some speeches and a few poems. Twain's sketches of this period never gained for themselves the illustrious reputation earned by his other kinds of writing but no one interested in American humor can long remain indifferent to them. They comprised a substantial share of his literary apprenticeship and developed so thoroughly his flair of genius thatthey made their way into his important books long after he had decided he had broken their spell. As with the short story he was long on hodgepodge in form and short on French neatness. It is often not easy to say which is a story and which is a sketch, and sometimes it is not impossible. In the long run it makes little difference, for fortunately this minor works carry the impress of his literary features so strongly that they possess an intrinsic value quite apart from any they might have gathered to themselves by being more akin to the usual genres.Most of his early sketches will not escape oblivion, as A. B. Paine, his friend and official biographer, said, "Many of them are amusing, some of them delightful, but most of them seem `ephemeral'. If we except The Jumping Frog, and possibly A True Story, there is no reason to suppose that any of its contents will escape oblivion" (Paine,1875). Many of Twain's best works were written in the 1870s and 1880s. His language is mainly short, full of the quaintest Americanism 。