
1. 城市的英语单词 城市 city ['siti]n. 城市,都市adj. 城市的;都会的town [taun]n. 城镇,市镇;市内商业区conurbation [,k?n?:'bei??n]n. 有卫星城的大都市;(几个邻近的城市因扩建而形成一个)组合城市,集合都市相关例句1.我们,都在寻找最美丽的城市 。
We are seeking the most beautiful city.2.我来自中国,一个美丽的城市!I come from China, a beautiful city!3.那么,有城市、河流、沙漠吗?And towns, and rivers, and deserts?4.人们认为它是这个城市最好的旅馆 。It was reckoned (as) the best hotel in the town.5.双硕士学位工作与在伦敦城市大学 。
Double Master degree working with City University in London.6.这家商店是这个城市中最大的一家 。This store is the biggest one in the city.7.城市景观并不会这么快痊愈 。
The landscape would not heal so fast.8.有些古老的城市周围有城墙 。Some ancient towns have walls round them 。
2. 城市的英语单词 城市
city ['siti]
n. 城市,都市
adj. 城市的;都会的
town [taun]
n. 城镇,市镇;市内商业区
conurbation [,k?n?:'bei??n]
n. 有卫星城的大都市;(几个邻近的城市因扩建而形成一个)组合城市,集合都市
1.我们,都在寻找最美丽的城市 。
We are seeking the most beautiful city.
I come from China, a beautiful city!
【英语单词城市怎么写】And towns, and rivers, and deserts?
4.人们认为它是这个城市最好的旅馆 。
It was reckoned (as) the best hotel in the town.
5.双硕士学位工作与在伦敦城市大学 。
Double Master degree working with City University in London.
6.这家商店是这个城市中最大的一家 。
This store is the biggest one in the city.
7.城市景观并不会这么快痊愈 。
The landscape would not heal so fast.
8.有些古老的城市周围有城墙 。
Some ancient towns have walls round them.
3. 城市的英文怎么写 城市 city ['siti] n. 城市,都市 adj. 城市的;都会的town [taun] n. 城镇,市镇;市内商业区 相关例句我来自中国,一个美丽的城市!I come from China, a beautiful city!那么,有城市、河流、沙漠吗?And towns, and rivers, and deserts?人们认为它是这个城市最好的旅馆 。
It was reckoned (as) the best hotel in the town.这家商店是这个城市中最大的一家 。This store is the biggest one in the city.有些古老的城市周围有城墙 。
Some ancient towns have walls round them 。. 。
4. 用英语写城市的生活不于50个单词 I would much rather live in the city than in the country. Living in the country would be very boring and there wouldn't be the same opportunities as there are in the city. It is obvious that most people agree with me because most people choose to live in cities.相对于住农村而言,我更喜欢住在城市 。
住在农村会让人觉得很无聊,并且在农村我们得不到跟住在城市一样的机会 。很显然非常多的人都赞同我的观点,因为越来越多的人选择住在了城市 。
In the city, there are plenty of things for teenagers to do. They can go to the cinema as often as they like. Because there are so many cinemas in a small area, they have lots of choice about what to see.There are plenty of other activities too. Teenagers can go roller blading or ice skating. They can go to skate-board parks,to swimming pools or to video arcades.There is also plenty of choice in the city. For example,there are lots of restaurants to choose from. If you wanted to,you could have food from a different country every night of the week.在城市里,年轻人有大量的事可以去做 。他们可以随时去看电影 。