
1. pen 读喷还是盼,我看音标是:[pen],我看音标应该是读盼恩 pen [pen][ p?n] (英音谐音类似“盆”,美音谐音类似“盘”)
1 (C) (包括笔尖 (nib) 与笔杆 (penholder) 的) 笔,鹅毛笔 (quill) ; 原子笔,钢笔
write with a ~ = write in ~
write with ~ and ink
【字源】源自“羽毛”之意的拉丁文. 古时候罗马人、希腊人都用羽毛根削尖沾墨水写字. pencil! (铅笔) 和 pen 相似,但并无直接关系,原义是“尾巴”,因为其笔尖像尾巴之故2 [the ~, one's ~]文笔 (的写作工作)
live [make one's living] by one's ~
wield one's ~
The ~ is mightier than the sword. (
3 [用单数](文语)书法家; 作家
dip one's pen in gall
put pen to paper (
take up one's pen = put PEN to paper
2. am的音标怎么写 英文原文:
[θ??ks] , alice , [b?b] , cindy , [?er?k] , [fr??k] , [?hel?n] , [?z] , [e?s] , [?n] , [m?p] , [k?p] , [pen] , [??r?n(d)?] , [?d??k?t] , [kw?lt] , [?t] , [e?t; e?t] , [spel] , [red] , [bl?k] , [k?n] , [ma?] , [ne?m] , [na?s] , [t?; before a vowel; t?; stressed; tu?] , [before a consonant e?; before a vowel; e?; stressed; ei?] , [h?z] , [?nd; (?)n; ?nd]
[θ??ks] , alice , [bɑ?b] , cindy , [?er?k] , [fr??k] , [?hel?n] , [?z] , [e?s] , [?n] , [m?p] , [k?p] , [p?n] , [??r?nd?] , [?d??k?t] , [kw?lt] , [?t] , [e?t] , [sp?l] , [r?d] , [bl?k] , [k?n] , [ma?] , [nem] , [na?s] , [tu,t?] , [e?] , [h?z] , [?nd, ?n,?nd]
3. 英语音标都怎么写 辅音部分(28个) [ p ] pot pig put people piano potato [ b ] book bag big job bear but brother [ t ] tooth teacher tea table task tell [ d ] dog dig duck dad double day [ k ] cake keep cat cup cap [ g ] grandpa girl green good god [ f ] father fat foot full fit [ v ] five very vent drive vary [ s ] small study bus yes must [ z ] jazz zoo zero clothes zig [ θ ] eighth forth tenth eleventh ninth [ δ ] those these that this there [ ? ] cash bush shake shoe ship [ ? ] measure pleasure leisure [ t? ] chair chicken lunch change [ d? ] jack job [ tr ] tree truck train [ dr ] dress drink drain [ ts ] students coats cats [ dz ] beds odds codes [ m ] mum moon morning [ n ] moon nut needle [ ? ] ink link ring [ h ] hello hurry hey [ l ] look leg lake [ r ] rain radio room [ w ] window wake week [ j ] yellow yes you 单元音(12个): [ e ] yes yellow bed pen [ ? ] cat bad dad [ ɑ: ] are car far [ ? ] cut nut but mother color [ ? ] pot got dog [ ?: ] call tall or [ ?: ]curtain further fur [ ? ] mother farmer doctor [ i ] ink big pig [ i: ] jeep tea eat [ u ] good book look cook [ u: ] cool zoo tool cooler 双元音(8个): [ ei ] age day make date [ ɑi ] ice bike nice kite [ ?i ]toy oil boy [ ?u ] old joke gold [ ɑu ] cloud mouth cow [ e? ] air fair chair [ i? ] ear near year [ u? ] cure dure pure 。