
1. 本人在美国 发邮件就可以
Dear Mr/Ms XXX;
Today I'm writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for I've got cold last night with carlessness.
This morning my mother took me to see the doctor,who told me to stay in bed for some days. So I am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your interesting lessons. I'll be sure to make up for the missed lessons after I recover from the illness.
Yours ever,
2. 英语请假条怎么写~ 字数有点紧 , 自己按情况裁剪吧.Dear Miss/Mr. Liu:I am writing to you here to explain my absence. Since yesterday (20th March), I have been feeling sick, which include cold, fever and tiredness. I had been to the doctor, who told me to claim down as the situation is not too bad. But at the same time he also suggested me to have some rest for a day or two, while I am taking medicines and plenty of water.For such reason, I would not be able to attend classes for the following four days. I wish that I can catch up with others and expect your support when I come back.Thanks and regardsMing Wu21 March 2011 。
3. 请假条怎样写 主要结构 1.居中写标题请假条“请假条” , 这是所有应用文的通用要求 , 用来表明此文是用来请假的条子! 2.请假对象的称呼 , 要请假必须得到批准 , 这个地方往往是老师、领导等 , 这个地方要尊称喔! 3.请假原由 , 这个地方要实事求是 , 否则后果自负! 4.请假起止时间 , 这个非常重要 , 必须重点提出 , 明确 。
5.祝颂语 。祝福对方 , 这个是所有公文里表示对对方的友好 。
6.请假人签名 。你自己的签名 , 一般不用按手印 , 只需要签字即可 。
7.请假时间 。当前你写请假条的时间 。
格式范文 一般最常用的格式如下: 标题(居中):请假条 上款(顶格写部门的名称或领导人的名字): 正文(请假缘由、起止日期及天数)如:因 。
需要请假 , 请假时间自2006年x月x日至2006年x月x日共xx天 , 恳请领导批准 。下款(标在右下) 。

【美国请假条怎么写】请假人:x x x 示例 请假条(一) 张老师: 今天 , 我因感冒发烧 , 不能到校上课 , 请假一天 , 请予批准! 请假人:丁丁 2008年6月11日 请假条(二) 王老师: 我因患急性肠炎 , 今晚去医院就诊 , 不能到学校上课 , 请准假一天 。此致 敬礼 您的学生李四 6月1日 。