
1. 【Mycousin作文】 I have acousin,his name is XiaoHui。
My cousin is veryyoung,he just two years old, he is smart very much.He is kind to us, we often vizit my grandparets,so we often see he sing and dance.My cousin has short straightblack hair and two small hands. I like his two small hands, becase they arevery cute.My cousin want to go to school ,but he is too young ,so my grandparets don'tlet himgo toschool .I think he is a happy boy ,but sometimes he isn't happy.Helikeshave fish ,for dessert,he likes ice--cream,but he doesn'like have in winter. He like toys very much 。This is mycousin .Do you like a lovely boy ? 。
2. Mycousin作文 i have two cousins, one is twenty years old, but the other is only five. today, i will tell you something about them.the 20-year-old boy is my father's sister's son, we are good friends. we often play together. my brother is studying at suchan university now. the school is not very famous, he studies at it because he didn't work hard at his former school, but now he works very hard. he likes art and he is good at it. so my father bought a computer for him. he hopes my cousin will study hard.the little one is my mother's sister's son. he is very clever. he is so little but he is very funny. he likes eating fast food kfc and drinking coke like other children, but my aunt doesn't like him to have them too much because she says they're not good for him. they're unhealthy. he is very lovely, so we all love him.i like my cousins very much. 。
3. cousⅰn的音标怎么写 请让我来回答你的提问吧,仅供参考 。
【提出问题】“cousⅰn的音标怎么写”,要弄清楚这个问题就必须要借助“四线三格” 。
【分析问题】音标的书写是根据音素的笔画、笔顺、重音符号以及它们在四线三格中所占的位置进行书写 。
4. 萨莉和迈克是我的cousin 用英语怎么写 第一时间为你提供正确答案:
Sally and MIke are my cousins.
5. 求一篇关于“My Cousin”的英语作文、一百个单词的 My cousin is only five years old.
She comes to my house every weekend.
We like her very much.
Though she is very young she has ideas of her own. She says she wants to invite a fairy to help my mother to clean the kitchen. She prefers to be a super model. So she keeps on learning English and practising walking every day. Last week her mother told her to sleep in my bed. Half an hour later, she didn't fall asleep. Her mother was very angry. Then I went into the room, and asked whether she had slept. She closed her eyes tightly and said "Yes".
【cousin怎么写】She's such a naughty and clever girl.