
1. 总的来说用英语怎么说 原发布者:dztntdhj
下面这些都可以:Ingeneral,theperformancewasdisappointing,generallyspeaking还有inaword也表示总的来说!还有insummary,inshort,都可以表示总的来说!祝你好运!有很多种说法,比如:generallyspeaking或者直接GenerallyAllinallsumup;insummary;inshortonthewholeoverall给大家推荐一个英语微信群EmptyYourCup英语微信群是目前学习英语最有效的方法,群里都是说英语,没有半个中文,而且规则非常严格,是一个超级不错的英语学习环境,群里有好多英语超好的超牛逼的人,还有鬼佬和外国美眉 。其实坦白说,如果自己一个人学习英语太孤独,太寂寞,没有办法坚持,好几次都会半途而废 。只要你加入到那个群里以后,自己就会每天都能在群里坚持学,坚持不停地说和练,由于是付费群,群里的成员学习氛围非常强,每天的训练度都非常猛,本来很懒惰的你一下子就被感染了,不由自主地被带动起来参与操练,不好意思偷懒,别人的刻苦学习精神会不知不觉影响你,EmptyYourCup英语微信群(进群加vx601332975)可以彻底治好你的拖延症,里面学员都非常友好,总是给你不断的帮助和鼓励,让你学英语的路上重新燃起了斗志,因为每天都在运用,你的英语口语就能得到了迅猛的提升,现在可以随便给一个话题,都能用英文滔滔不绝的发表5分钟以上对这个话题的看法和观点,想提高英语口语的可以加入进来,Itreallyworksverywell.
2. 用英语翻译 你好楼主!关于你的问题翻译如下:
I am not worthless, my grades were poor, people have to comfort me that you just came close relative in your class, but I understand that I am not a relative difference, I was poor, and many people are issued with emotion: "wow You are 6 classes, "Every time I go along with a smile, but you know how my heart pain,
I'm not worthless, does not mean that learning is not good for nothing, maybe I sports is good, maybe I better communication skills, perhaps,,, although these are not good I am, but I believe that God has created me to be useful,
Not that I stop learning, I would like to do, I am also hard because I'm not worthless.

