
1. 教室里有什么,英文怎么说 教室里有什么是英文翻译:What's in the classroom? 教室 翻译为:classroom; school room; schoolroom 什么 翻译为: what 1、教室里有什么?有一台新电脑,一个书架和四台风扇 。
32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333366303764 What's in the classroom? There is a new computer and four fans. 2、在教室里有什么? What is in the classroom? 3、教室里有什么 Is there anything in our classroom 扩展资料: 教室有什么相似英文短语 1、你们教室里有学生? Are there any students in your classroom? 2、你猜箱子里有什么? What do you guess is in the box? 3、教室里有24个学生 。There are twenty four pupils in the classroom. 4、我闻到厨房里有什么东西烧着了 。
I can smell something burning in the kitchen. 5、教室里有地图吗? Is there a map in the classroom ? 6、沼泽地里有什么? What Lives in a Swamp? 7、教室里有一些椅子 。There are a few chairs in the classroom. 教室里有什么的双语例句 1、教室里有什么?一块黑板,两盏灯,许多桌子和椅子…… What's in the classroom? A board, two lights, many desks and chairs…. 2、教室里有什么?三盏灯,一些桌子和椅子 。
What's in the classroom? Three lights, many desks and chairs. 3、教室里有什么?有一台新电脑,一个书架和四台风扇 。What is in the classroom? There is a new computer, a shelf and four fans. 4、你们教室里有什么?有一个书橱,有一些黑板 。
What's in your classroom? There's a bookcase. There are some blackboards. 5、教室里有什么?一台新电脑,一个书架和四台风扇 。What's in the classroom?There's a new computer, a self and four fans. 。
2. 教室里有什么 What things does classroom have?/how many things are there in classroom?
there is a door. 有一扇门
there are some chairs. 有一些椅子
there is a clock 有一个钟
there are two blackboards 有2个黑板
there are many desks. 有许多桌子
there also have windows. 有窗户
3. 我在教室里的位置 用英语怎么说 the position I am in in my classroom
注意 前一个in是连接the position的 后一个是表示在classroom里 不一样
如果你问具体表达方法,有the XXX row;the XXX line的说法
in the behand of;in the corner of;near the window;near the door;sit near my classmate XXX
可能有些参考 楼主看着考虑一下吧

