
1. 辛苦用英语怎么表达 翻译
1. (身心劳苦) hard; toilsome; laborious: 辛苦的工作 hard work;laborious work; 辛苦地工作 toil at one's task; 我的一切辛苦都白费了 。All my trouble went for nothing.
2. (套语,用于求人做事) work hard; go to great trouble; go through hardships: 你们陪我们参观,辛苦了 。You must be tired taking us around. 你们辛苦了一整天 。You have had a hectic [tiring] day. 这事您还得辛苦一趟 。You'll have to take the trouble of going there to see about it. 你们工作辛苦了 。You've been working very hard. 你辛苦了,多谢 。Thank you for all the trouble you've taken.
◇辛苦费 “thank you” reward
2. 辛苦的英语怎么写 “您辛苦了”的英文: Thank you for your hard work! hard 发音:英[hɑ:d] 美[hɑ:rd] 释义: adj. 硬的; 困难的; 有力的; 努力的; adv. 努力地; 猛力地; 严重地; 沉重地; n. 英〉硬海滩,登陆处; 例句:He shuffled his feet on the hard wooden floor 常用的英语句子有: Hi. Long time no see.(嗨,好久不见了 。)
So far so good.(到目前为止,一切都好 。) Things couldn't be better.(一切顺利 。)
How about yourself?(你自己呢?) Today is a great day.(今天是个好日子 。) Are you making progress?(有进展吗?) 。

