艺术节的英语怎么写( 二 )

4. 怎么写英语以艺术节介绍朋友的才能的作文 my friend took part in the recently "Art Festival"(not sure!). He is a really talented guy, good at drawing\ photographing\ and etc. I've been with him during the drawing competition(not sure), and quite astonished by his arrangement of the paper. I always take myself as a genious, however , considering his existance, I have to admit that there is someone more gifted!! 。
5. 校园艺术节用英语写作文不少于30个词 " Work while you work and play while you play, this is the way to be happy and gay. ”The .Art Festival① held in our school let us have a good time after the hard work of a long term .On Friday afternoon at the end of last term, our class, that is, Class 5 of Senior Two, had a wonderful party to celebrate this happy festival.
First we had music and dance----piano sonata② ,  exciting songs, brilliant waltz③ dance, then most popular disco④ music, etc, ---- all this made us extremely happy.
Then we had one competition after another. It was soon about five o'clock before we knew it. The most exciting program began: Cooking Competition . Each group of our class had to make some special dishes . At once students became cooks, though they coudn't tell the salt from gourmet powder⑤ the day before.
At seven o'clock all dishes were ready." Ah, it tastes wonderfully delicious,”someone shouted. Then here and there applause was heard.
At last we had to finish our party . When we said good-bye to each other, we had the same feeling in our hearts: " We wish to have more and more of such wonderful time in our school life. We young students need to be happy after our lessons . Our life should be filled with joy.”
①Art Festival['fest+v+l] n.艺术节②sonata [s+'na:t+] n.奏鸣曲③waltz [w&:ls, w&:lts] n.华尔兹舞;圆舞曲④disco ['disk+u] n.迪斯科舞⑤gourmet powder['gu+mei'paud+] 味精
你们学校在学期末举办了一次艺术节 。请按下列要点写一篇文章:
①你们班是高二年级某班 , 一个星期五下午聚会庆祝艺术节 。②先是音乐、舞蹈活动 。③接下来是各种比赛 。④5点钟以后是最激动人心的节目――烹饪比赛 。⑤虽然艺术节结束了 , 但你们意犹未尽 。
6. 英语作文艺术节 [艺术节英语作文]上午 , 同学们都穿着血红色的班服来到教室 , 个个都精神抖擞脸上露着神气的笑容 , 大家都想为班级争光 , 加紧练习准备在比赛中大显身手 , 艺术节英语作文 。
一转眼之间 , 就到了中午 , 大家都已迫不及待了 , 胡乱地吃了几口饭 , 便回到教室里去了 , 有的同学在想像着当时的场面 , 有的在教室里疯玩 , 还有的在高歌;我们是共产主义接班人……突然 , 李壵坷闯进来喊:蒋老师来了!同学们都回到座位上安静地做作业 。蒋老师走进教室 , 说:把手中的东西放在一边 , 我们准备化妆了!啊!边柯尖叫起来 , 兴奋的心情一下子沉重起来 , 突然边柯像脱缰的野马似的逃离出教室 , 东躲西藏的 。
大家都化好了妆 , 陆续地进入了场地 , 首先 , 主持人陈蔚然用流利的英语说了报幕词 。301班唱队歌了 , 他们那嘹亮的歌声传进我们的耳朵里 , 我们不比你们差呢!我在心里嘀咕着 。
轮到我们班了!迈着整齐的步伐上了台 , 合着音乐 , 指挥员汪婷打起了节拍 , 响亮的歌声燃起:我们是共产主义接班人 , 继承……结束后 , 指挥员向评委 , 观众鞠了一躬 , 我们便下了台 。我和其他七位唱英文歌的同学来到后场换衣服 。