
1. 一家三口英语怎么写 a three person family 或者 a three member family
补充一下:英语跟中文一样,同一种意思可以有许多种不同的表达方式,给你回复的人说的都对,除了a family which has three people,这句话语法有点问题,不是太恰当,person 是单数,people 是复数,三个人,每一个人都是不同而且单数的,应该说:a family which has three person.
如果想用复数,除非是三个人都一样,比如说,a family which has three girls. 家里有三个女儿,三个女儿性别等等都是相同的,用复数. 我想你指的一家三口肯定指的,你,你母亲,你父亲,三个不同的人 。所以用单数较好 。A family which has three person .
实际上 除此之外,一家三口有许多不同的表达方式,向;
A family with three person/member, a family having three person/ member , a family consisting of three person …
我原来只给出a three person family 或者 a three member family,是因为觉得他们最好,国外跟中国一样,语言讲究简洁,句子越短越好,无论口语还是新闻,他们通常说a three person family 或者 a three member family,其中a three person family
说的更多一些,所以我把它摆在第一位 。
2. 我家有三口人,求一篇不少于四十个单词,并且有翻译的英语作文 My family
Hello,everyone!My name is Jim,I'm 14 years old.I'm study in No.39 Middle School.There are 3 people in my family.My mother is a worker,she works late every day.She looks very beautiful and she is very friendly to people.My father is a doctor.He is tall and strong.He is smart.He is busy with his work.
This is my family,we love each other!
【三口人英语怎么写】大家好!我叫Jim 。我14岁了 。我在39中学习 。我们家有3口人 。我的妈妈是一个工人,她每天工作到很晚 。她看起来很漂亮,并且对人们都很友好 。我的爸爸是一名医生 。他又高又壮 。他很聪明 。他总是忙于工作 。
呼呼~~累死我了,我可是自己写的哦,就不用担心和别人是一样的啦,况且这篇文章很简洁通畅,相信我这篇短文没有问题,这对于7年级的我来说是小菜一碟啦,呵呵 。所以你一定要选我哦~不要让我的辛苦白费,555555 。。。

