中文信封为竖写样式 。右上起书写收信人的地址 中间有一个竖长方红色框 , 写上收信人的尊姓大名和台鉴 , 一般写“先生”之类居多 。
左边偏下写上寄信人的适当的落款 。——————————————————————————————————————————————— 尊敬的领导: 您好! (第一段写从什么渠道得知贵司的信息 , 知道贵司是怎样的一个状况和实力 。
然后表达想与该司合作的意想) (第二段介绍下自己的公司有什么能力与该司合作 , 并且为双方创造效益) (表达自己的合作愿望以及自己的经营理念) 静候 , 盼复! 顺祝商祺! 落款 。
4. 谁能帮忙写一篇货代的开发信,中文的,谢谢了(国际空运,海远,快 Smartrans our MissionAt Smartrans customer satisfaction is our priority; our clients are valued members of the smartrans family and as such deserve:A simple and user friendly end-to-end transportation pipeline offered in a seamless environment, which delivers the right merchandise to the right location at precisely the right time.Cost effective, cost definite services and transport solutions so that customers can accurately estimate their total landed costs.The PEACE OF MIND that comes from knowing their entire transportation needs are expertly managed.Smartrans AdvantageWith offices and agents throughout Asia, Europe and North American,Latin American,Middle East, Africa, Smartrans brings to the table over 20 years of experience in the dynamically evolving Asia trade corridor.With relationships with more than 15 major carriers and an executive staff with substantial ocean carrier experience, Smartrans is an ocean transportation and logistics specialist.The Smartrans Group is much more than a large NVOCC. In response to our clients' growing need for logistical support on the domestic side.Our extensive facilities in both Asia and the worldwide. allow for onsite/ portside shipment consolidation and deconsolidation.Smartrans creates solutions for all our clients' logistical needs. The Smartrans Group has developed a robust technology platform allowing our customers total supply chain transparency and up-to-the-minute information access.With Smartrans's over 95% rate for accurate and on-time shipments, we set the bar high for ourselves and never fail to meet or even exceed these expectations.Our customer focused approach means that we're committed to providing logistics and transportation solutions tailored to our client's real needs, not those we think they ought to have.Smartransgroup(Smartrans International Ltd)not only offers traditional air and ocean freight forwarding, customs clearance and domestic distribution, but we also provide pick-up and delivery service to direct/end customers nationwide.Ocean Freight ForwardingAir Freight ForwardingBuyers ConsolidationNVOCC LCL & FCLPre-Distribution at OriginChina TruckingLocal Store-Door DistributionInventory ManagementWarehousing, Distribution & Transload OperationsCustoms ClearanceDedicated customer service representativeReal-time shipment trackingCustomizable web-based tracking 。
5. 如何写好一份好的开发信 什么是好的开发信 , 这个仁者见仁智者见智 , 作为一个老外贸 , 我看了下面这篇文章很有感触 , 在这里回答也顺便分享给你 , 希望能帮助到你一.什么是外贸开发信? 顾名思义 , 开发信就是你第一次写给潜在客人的邮件 , 信函 。
而外贸开发信 , 则是你写给你的潜在客户的第一封信件 , 其目的是开发这个潜在客户 , 希望建立业务合作 , 收获订单 , 扩展业务 。外贸开发信抛送的是希望建立友好合作关系的橄榄枝 , 带来的可能是滚滚不尽的金钱流 , 发出的是希望 , 期待的是回复 。
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