
1. 华北平原英文作文,关于地势,交通,位置,面积 资料,仅供参考 。
面积35万多平方公里的东北平原是中国第一大平原,大部分是黑色沃土,盛产小麦、玉米、大豆、高粱、亚麻和甜菜 。华北平原大多是褐色土壤,土层深厚,农作物有小麦、玉米、谷子、棉花等 。
Major tree species found here include conifers, such as Korean pine, larch and Olga Bay larch, and coniferous-broadleaf trees such as white birch, oak, willow, elm and Northeast China ash.
东部平原为华北平原的一部分 。
The eastern and central parts of the province form part of the North China Plain.
邯山区地处太行山前冲积洪积平原,属华北平原一部分 。
Taihang Mountain is located in the formerhan shan qu alluvial flood plain, which is part of the North China Plain.
华北平原朝向北京的南面和东面,而北京正位于在这一大三角形平原的最北端 。
Beijing is situated at the northern tip of the roughly triangular North China Plain which opens to the south and east of the city.
华北平原亦称黄河平原,是全国的钥匙,谁控制了它,谁就能打开通向胜利的大门 。
The North China Plain, sometimes known as the Yellow River Plain, is the key to the whole country and he who holds it can open the door to victory.
位于华北平原北部的北京,东西北三面环山,形如海湾,中间为一小平原,是地质历史演变成的一块风水宝地 。
Beijing City is situated in the northern part of North China plain, surrounded by mountains to the east, the west and the north to form a gulf-like landform enclosing a little flat.
Balance between land use and water resources in the North China Plain
Land Subsidence Survey and Monitoring in the North China Plain
Brief Review on the Famines on North China Plain under Guomintang Government
Age Correction of the Groundwater in North China Plain
2. 花椒的英文怎么说 花椒:Sichuan Pepper
2017年12月1日,《公共服务领域英文译写规范》正式实施,规定花椒标准英文名为Sichuan Pepper
花椒(学名:Zanthoxylum bungeanumMaxim.)
花椒是zhidao芸香科、花椒属落叶小乔木,高可达7米;小叶对生,卵形,椭圆形,稀披针形,叶缘有细裂齿,齿缝有油点;茎干上的刺,枝有短刺,当年生版枝被短柔毛 。叶轴常有甚狭窄的叶翼 。叶背被柔毛,叶背干有红褐色斑纹 。花序顶生或生于侧枝之顶,花被片黄绿色,形状及大小大致相同;花柱斜向背弯 。果紫红色,散生微凸起的油点,花期4-5月,果期8-9月或10月 。
分布北起东北南部,南至五岭北坡,东南至江苏、浙江沿海地带,西南至西藏东南部;台湾、海南及广东不产 。见于平原至海拔较高的山地,权在青海,海拔2500米的坡地也有栽种 。耐旱,喜阳光,各地多栽种 。
3. 地理中的英文表示【平原英文怎么写】 南极south pole收集了一些,希望有帮助physical geography 自然地理economic geography 经济地理geopolitics 地理政治论ethnography 民族志cosmography 宇宙志cosmology 宇宙论geology 地理学toponymy 地名学oceanography 海洋学meteorology 气象学orography 山志学hydroaraphy 水文学vegetation 植被relief 地形,地貌climate 气候Earth 地球,大地Universe, cosmos 宇宙world 世界globe 地球仪earth, globe 地壳continent 大陆terra firma 陆地coast 海岸archipelago 群岛peninsula 半岛island 岛plain 平原valley 谷地meadow (小)草原prairie (大)草原lake 湖泊pond 池塘marsh, bog, swamp 沼泽small lake 小湖lagoon 泻湖moor, moorland 荒原desert 沙漠dune 沙丘oasis 绿洲savanna, savannah (南美)大草原virgin forest 原始森林steppe 大草原tundra 冻原 。