
1. 大脑的功能和结构的英文作文 大脑,包括脑干、间脑、小脑和端脑 。
端脑包括左右大脑半球,是脊椎动物脑的高级神经系统的主要部分,由左右两半球组成,在人类为脑的最大部分,是控制运动、产生感觉及实现高级脑功能的高级神经中枢 。脊椎动物的端脑在胚胎时是神经管头端薄壁的膨起部分,以后发展成大脑两半球,主要包括大脑皮质、大脑髓质和基底核等三个部分 。
大脑皮质是被覆在端脑表面的灰质、主要由神经元的胞体构成 。皮质的深部由神经纤维形成的髓质或白质构成 。
髓质中又有灰质团块即基底核,纹状体是其中的主要部分 。大脑左半球的功能:语速→语言、平衡→行动、免疫、概念、数字、行动、免疫、概念、分析、逻辑推理等功能 。
大脑右半球的功能:语速→语言(因为语速比左脑快些再加上其他右脑功能配合,所以右脑适合声乐)、平衡→行动、免疫、图像、音乐、绘画、空间几何、想像、综合等功能 。The brain, including the brain stem, cerebellum anddiencephalon, telencephalon.End brain including hemispheres, is the main part of the vertebrate brain higher nervous system, composed of two hemispheres around, in the human is the largest part of the brain, is to control the movement, produce high nerve center feeling and Realization of advanced brain function.End brain of vertebrates in the embryo neural tube head end thin wall expansion part, later developed into the two cerebral hemispheres, mainly including the cerebral cortex,the cerebral medulla and basal nucleus of three parts.The cerebral cortex is coated on the surface of the braingray matter, mainly by the end of the neuron cell body constitution. Deep cortex formed by nerve fiber medullaryor white matter composition. In the medulla and gray matter namely basal nucleus, striatum is one of the major part of the.The left hemisphere of the brain function: speed,language, balance, action, immune, concept, digital,action, immune, concept, analysis, logical reasoning and other functions.The function of the right hemisphere: speed, language(because the speed faster than the left brain right brain function plus other match, so right for vocal), balance,action, immune, images, music, painting, space geometry,imagination, comprehensive function. 。

