2050的英语怎么写( 二 )

当人们生病 , 他们没有去医院 , 因为电脑会告诉他们 , 他们怎么告诉他们如何做他们的疾病 。计算机甚至可以对病人进行手术 。
在2050的时候 , 人们将能够访问火星 。甚至可能有人定居在那 。因为这一点 , 就不会有更多的交通拥堵在地球上 。更重要的是 , 人类可能已经成功地进入了与外星人的接触 。
5. 英语作文学校在2050年的样子 Schools in 2050 no longer require students to turn in homework. Teachers encourage these children to explore nature and make use of their time according to their own will. Tuition is no longer required and all children have the right to receive education until they are 18. Art and PE classes are more important as the world lacks more athletes and artists. Those once undervalued skills such as cleaning and cooking deemed "redundant"are now taught in schools just like math and English. These futuristic schools can nurture students to be more well-rounded. 。
6. 畅想2050英语作文 You can't imagine what the life will be like in 2050.There will be robots in everyone's house,with a lot high-tech facilities.When you go to the street,you will find more and more shopping mall with electronic screen.What's more,we can enjoy a travel from earth to moon,consequently,we will see a fancy view which you have never seen.All in all,life in 2050 will be more convenient and more colorful.Human beings will have more fun in life 。

