
1. 写2050年的英语作文至少10句话 People's life in the year of 2050
In the year of 2050 the high school students will nearly have no homework.They will only need
learn how to use computer and computer progrems.
If they were ill,they wouldn't need to go to hospital to see the doctor.Why they don't go to the hospital isn't they have strong bodies.Because in that time the computer can act as a doctor,and even it can see very the bad ill.
In that time lot's of people have been live in moon and Mark star,so we will visit to the moon and the Mark star.Now in common life we have a besy traffic.In the of 2050 the earth will carm
down instead of noisiness.
In the year of 2050 we will keep tach will the frindly people from other stars.
2. 英语作文《2050的生活》 In the year 2050 , our lives will be different. It will be comfortable and easy.
In the school, there will be computers on everyone's desk. We can use it to do our homework, send emails. We can send our homework to our teacher by email. Also, we can study at home. And we can play lots of computer games .
In our home, we will have many beautiful rooms. In my room, I will have a big and comfortable bed. I will have a small and light laptop. I will have a new and small cell phone. I can call my friends everyday. I will have lots of interesting books.
In the year 2050, I will find a good job, too. I can get much money a month. I will go shopping and do sports every week. I will have a new robot. It can do much dull and heavy work, so I will have lots of free time. I'm sure I will have an interesting life.
3. 我眼中的2050年英语作文 有翻译 我心中的2050年是一个这样的世界……大街上 , 人们穿着调温衣服 , 夏天 , 它像空调一样发出冷气 , 给人们带来一丝凉意 。
冬天 , 它发出暖气 , 让人们觉得温暖 。汽车是太阳能的 , 不用汽油就能驾驶 , 又不会造成空气污染 。
它还能进行水 , 陆 , 空三种功能 。假如你开着车在路上行驶 , 碰到前面堵车了 , 你按一下蓝色的按钮 , 车的两边马上伸出像翅膀一样的机翼 , 车的前身变的又圆又尖 , 车轮自动缩进车底部 , 汽车就像飞机一样飞上天空 。
如果碰到前面有一条大河 , 按一下白色的按钮 , 汽车的底盘马上伸出一个很大的气囊 , 气囊迅速膨胀 , 眨眼间汽车变成了一艘汽垫船 , 行驶在河面上 。它还有一个功能:车内有一台微形电脑 , 里面存放了成千上万张地图 , 你想要去什么地方 , 只要对它轻轻一说 , 它就会自动把你带到目的地 , 一路上 , 它还会自动遵守交通规则 , 还会自动避开来往的车辆 。
2050年的科学技术真是突飞猛进呀 。
4. 生活在2050 英语小作文 In 2050, the use of computers will become more pervasive.
Senior high school students will have little homework and all they have to learn is computer programming, because computer programs will do almost anything for people.
When people become ill, they don't have to go to hospital because computer will tell them what's the matter with them and tell them what to do with their illness. The computer can even perform operations on patients.
When 2050 comes, people will be able to visit Mars. There may even be human settlers there. Because of this, there will be no more traffic conjestinos on the earth.What's more, human beings may have successfully come into contact with beings from other planets.
2050 , 计算机的使用会越来越普及 。
高中生将有很少的作业 , 他们要学的是计算机编程 , 因为计算机程序几乎会做任何事的人 。