
1. 出乎意料的英语单词怎么写 【出乎意料的】英语单词是【unexpected】 。
英 [??n?k'spekt?d]
美 [??n?k'spekt?d]
用作形容词 (adj.)
His reaction on this matter is unexpected.
没料到,他对这件事的反应是这样的 。
【出乎意料的英语怎么写】Their unexpected arrival threw our plan into confusion.
他们的突然到来打乱了我们的计划 。
Because of something unexpected, I wonder if I can change my appointment from Tuesday to Friday.
由于想不到的原因,我不知道是否可以把约会时间由星期二改到星期五 。
What an unexpected pleasure!
I gasped with surprise at the unexpected news.
听到意外的消息,我惊讶地吸了一口气 。
The unexpected blow did not stagger his resolution.
这个意外的打击并没有动摇他的决心 。
The unexpected defeat came as a thunderbolt.
这意外的失败犹如晴天霹雳 。
2. 用英语写最近一件出乎意料的事 My expectation of the long-distance education我对远程教育的期望Now, I am a student in Shanghai TV university, in other words, I am a distance learner.I have a lot of expectations on my distance education.Firstly, I hope to improve my spoken English.I work in a foreign invested company. My boss is a foreigner. I need to talk with him in English every day. So I would like to improve my spoken English very much.Secondly, I hope to improve my English writing ability.I need to receive and answer emails in English every day, but I don't know many English words.These above are my expectations of the long-distance education.现在我在上海电大学英语, 换言之,我是一名远程学习者 。
对远程教育,我有许多期待 。第一,我希望可以提高我的英语口语 。
我在外企上班,老板是外国人,每天我都需要和他用英语交谈,所以我非常想要提高英语口语 。第二,我希望提高英语写作能力 。
每天我都需要收发英语邮件,我词汇量不大 。以上这些是我对远程教育的期望 。

