
1. 情人用英语怎么说 1. lover正是问题的好答案 。它并不是指婚内的爱人哟 。看牛津词典的解释:
n 1 [C] partner (usu a man) in a sexual relationship outside marriage (婚外恋的)伴侣 ,  情人(通常指男性): They say he used to be her lover. 据说他曾是她的婚外情人. * She's taken a new lover. 她有了新的外遇情人.
不过lovers的意思则和lover单数形式不一样 , 这可能正是造成大家混淆的原因:
lovers [pl]
two people who are in love or having a sexual relationship though not married 一对情侣(恋爱中的或未婚而有性关系的):
young lovers strolling in the park 在公园漫步的年轻情侣
* They met on holiday and soon became lovers. 他们在度假时结识 ,  不久便成了情侣.
2 。mistress虽是 , 则单指女性 。
-- woman having an illicit but regular sexual relationship, esp with a married man情妇:
例句 have/keep a mistress 有情妇.
不过这个词最常见的含义是:woman in a position of authority or control 有权位的女子; 女主人
fancy man, fancy woman
(derog or joc infml 贬或谑 ,  口)
person's lover 情夫; 情妇; 情人.
4. 当代英语中肯定有一些俚语或新词表达非婚情人的这种概念 , 不过俚语还是少用为妙啦 。
2. 情人用英语怎么说 情人:
1. inamorato
2. sweet heart
3. sweetie
4. sweet
<lover> <ladylove> <Jo> <Jill> <Valentine> <inamorata> <turtledove> <swain> <lady friend> <sweeting> <sweetheart> <amorist> <soul mate> <girl friend> <heart-throb> <dowsabel>
1. 他的情人是一个美丽的女孩 。
His lover is a beautiful girl.
2. 他为情人摘了一朵玫瑰花 。
He plucked a rose for his lover.
3. 这对情人互相许诺永不变心 。
The lovers promised to be faithful forever.
4. 谈到他的情人时 ,  他的双眼闪烁着光芒 。
Speaking of his lover, his eyes sparkled.
5. 他的情人是一个可爱的女孩 。
His sweetheart is a pretty girl.
6. 她有了新的外遇情人.
She's taken a new lover.
7. 她扮作受了冤枉的情人 ,  好让他感到内疚.
She acted out the role of wronged lover to make him feel guilty.
8. 据说他曾是她的婚外情人.
They say he used to be her lover.

