
1. 小学英语A到Z的怎么写 A a [ei] B b [bi:] C c [si:] D d [di:] E e [i:] F f [ef] G g [di:] H h [eit] I i [ai] J j [dei] K k [kei] L l [el] M m [em] N n [en] O o [eu] P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r [a:] S s [es] T t [ti:] U u [ju:] V v [vi:] W w [′dblju:] X x [eks] Y y [wai] Z z [zi:][zed] 。
2. 小学英语A到Z的怎么写 A a [ei] B b [bi:] C c [si:]
D d [di:] E e [i:] F f [ef]
G g [di:] H h [eit] I i [ai]
J j [dei] K k [kei] L l [el]
M m [em] N n [en] O o [eu]
P p [pi:] Q q [kju:] R r [a:]
S s [es] T t [ti:] U u [ju:]
V v [vi:] W w [′dblju:] X x [eks]
Y y [wai] Z z [zi:][zed]
3. 用英文字母A~Z为开头写一篇短文(英语高手进 A man went to the supermarket for shopping. But he forgot to bring his wallet. Could he buy something without money? Don't think it impossible. Even without money, he can buy something. For example, he can call his wife with his mobile. Go back to home will be the last solution. How do you do if you meet this condition. I will choose to make a phone call. Just wait some minutes, your wife or friends will arrive to help you. Keep your mobile with you is very important then. Let's consider other embarrassed situation. Might be funny, but it will really appears. Not take bumph when you go toilet. Of course there is no bumph at the toilet at all. Perhaps you have ever met this situation. Quit without cleaning after shitting is not possible. Real embarrassed, isn't it? So, what should you do? Take out you mobile and make a phone call. Using your mobile you can get your help. Very funny, ha. What to do if your fee of your phone used out at this moment? Xerium could be no use now. You only chance is to dial the free phone, 110 maybe. Zany fool you will feel youself are then. 。
4. 写出英文字母A到Z的音标 语音是法语的基础,掌握好法语的发音是说一口地道流利法语的前提条件 。
法语发音相对规则,学法语语音的时候,多是学习和模仿元音和辅音的发音,再逐条练习发各自字母及字母组合的发音,但实际生活中并不是见音标识字母,而恰恰相反,是见字母识发音 。因此,很有必要总结和梳理一下26个字母,以及字母组合的发音情况 。
其中e是发音比较复杂的字母,齐进法语这里为大家梳理一下e基本的发音规则 。I. e有两种不发音的情况:1. 无音符(accent)的e在单词末,通常不发音 。
例如:pape, tête, déssine, rose 。2. “元辅e辅元”结构中,e不发音 。
元和辅都是因素,而不是字母 。例如: samedi, avenue 。
II. e发[ε]音:1. e在闭音节中 。例如:merci, cher, adepte, veste 。
2. e在相同辅音字母前 。例如:cette, fesse, nette 。
3. è, ê和,即e上有开音符(顿音符),长音符和分音符 。例如:mère, glèbe, bête, fenêtre, Nol 。
III. e发[]音:1. e在词首开音节 。例如:cheval, lever, menacer, petit 。
2. e在单音节词末 。单音节词末就是除了e没有其他元音音素的情况 。
例如:le, me, de, ne, que 。3. e在“辅辅e辅”结构中 。
辅仍然指辅音音素 。例如:mercredi, vendredi, tournesol 。
IV. e发[e]音:1. é,即e上有闭音符(尖音符) 。例如:épée, bébé, comédie 。
2. e在“eff-, ess-, dess-, desc-”在词首的结构中 。例如:effet, efface, essai, essayer, dessiner, descendre 。
V. e发[a]音:e在emm/enn组合中 。例如:femme, solennel, évidemment 。
【a到z的英文怎么写】规则发音中,e共有以上五种发音情况,看单词能正确辨识音标才是真正掌握了法语语音 。其他子母和字母组合也以同样的方式认真总结和练习后,你会发现自己的法语语音水平真的有提高 。
5. 字母A到Z像什么,或者a到z 小写的 楼主您好: