
1. 控制的英语怎么写 控制的英语:control
control 读法 英 [k?n'tr??l] 美 [k?n'trol]
1、n. 控制;管理;抑制;操纵装置
2、vt. 控制;管理;抑制
1、control of 对…的控制
2、quality control 质量控制 , 质量管理
3、under control 处于控制之下;情况正常
4、out of control 失去控制
5、control method 控制方法 , 检查法
1、All the newspapers are under government control.
所有的报纸都处在政府控制之下 。
2、The restructuring involves Mr. Ronson giving up control of the company.
公司重组需要罗森先生放弃对公司的控制 。
bottle 读法 英 ['b?t(?)l] 美 ['bɑtl]
1、n. 瓶子;一瓶的容量
2、vt. 控制;把…装入瓶中
3、vi. (街头艺人演出后)收拢钱币
1、hit the bottle 酗酒
2、gas bottle 气瓶;洗气瓶
3、thermos bottle 热水瓶
4、bottle up 隐藏 , 克制;装入瓶中控制 , 严密封锁
5、spray bottle 喷雾瓶;喷药瓶
This is a large truck which has equipment to automatically bottle the wine.
这是辆有葡萄酒自动装瓶设备的大卡车 。
2. 用英语写一篇关于如何控制脾气的作文 What is self-control? Well, suppose you have a ticket for an exciting film which you have longed① to see for some time, but unfortunately, you will have to sit for an exam tomorrow. What will you do? See the film or prepare for the exam? If you can give up the film and study hard at your lessons, we say you have self-control.
Self-control is not something you possess with your birth. It needs to be cultivated② in your life.
Sometimes you are made unhappy, and you nearly lose your temper③. Then you should count1, 2, 3,4… till your anger is gone.
Sometimes you are attracted by some novels that are not worth reading. You must make good use of your time. You shouldn't waste your time reading such books or you will surely feel very sorry afterwards.
Do not go to bed too late because of a nice TV film, as you will be late for school. Neither should you stay in bed too late on cold winter mornings, for it is a waste of valuable time.
Everyone of us has some habits, a few of which might be harmful and might hold back our progress in life. Then we must use our self-control to get rid of them.
Remember it is necessary for you to cultivate strong self-control. He is a successful person who can control himself.
②cultivate ['k)ltiveit]v.培养;磨炼
③lose one's temper['temp ] 发脾气
劝导(persuasion)是议论的一种 , 它是用来说服人们某一种观点或意见是正确的 , 应该坚持 , 或某种看法、习惯等是错误的 , 应该戒除 。作者先用一个具体事例给“自制”下了定义 , 然后假设了几种具体情况采取假言推理(如果……所以)和选言推理(要么……要么……)的方式论证了自我克制的重要性 , 劝说读者要培养自我克制能力
3. 电脑远程控制英语怎么拼写 远程控制
long-range control
远程控制:Remote control | TeamViewer
远程控制软件一般分两个部分:一部分是客户端程序Client , 另一部分是服务器端程序Server(或Systry) , 在使用前需要将客户端程序安装到主控端电脑上 , 将服务器端程序安装到被控端电脑上.较为 。详细 ?
搜索 远程控制 远程
