
1. 请问化妆用英语怎么写 化妆的英文:makeup
makeup 读法 英 ['me?k?p] 美 [?mek??p]
makeup water 补充水
makeup remover 卸妆水
Experts say you should go by when you first opened the makeup.
专家指出 , 你必须留意你第一次打开化妆品的时间 。
face 读法 英 [fe?s] 美 [fes]
n. 脸;表面;面子;面容;外观;威信
vi. 向;朝
vt. 面对;面向;承认;抹盖
1、face的基本意思是“面孔”“脸” , 为可数名词 。引申可指“面部表情”“外表”“表面”“威严”“厚脸皮”等 。
2、face作“面子”“过分自信”解时 , 为抽象名词 , 不可数 。
3、face的复数形式faces可作“面容”解 , 用于比喻时指一个人的多副面孔 。
2. 化妆的顺序加上化妆品英文翻译 化妆的顺序(步骤):
1、洗净脸后 , 涂以护肤品 , 如膏、霜、奶液、蜜等类均可 , 以护肤为主 。
2、涂粉底时应根据人的脸型而施以粉底 。方型脸涂粉底时 , 两侧颌骨处勿涂抹 , 这就保持了蛋形的脸庞 。
3、涂粉底时 , 切勿涂在眉毛上、眼皮上面 , 因为黑眉毛涂上粉底后呈现出“白霜”这是不美观不自然的 。
4、擦香粉时 。上粉底后以香粉定妆 , 粉不要擦的过厚 , 皮肤黑的人不宜使用 。
5、涂眼影 , 画眼线 。
6、画眼线时 , 使用眼线笔紧贴睫毛画 , 上眼线可重一些 , 下眼线切忌画的过粗过重 。
护肤: skin care
洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(foaming,milky,cream,gel)
爽肤水: toner/astringent
紧肤水:firming lotion
柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist)
护肤霜: moisturizers and creams
隔离霜 , 防晒:sun screen/sun block
露:lotion , 霜:cream
日霜:day cream
晚霜:night cream
眼部gel: eye gel
面膜: facial mask/masque
眼膜: eye mask
护唇用:lip care
口红护膜:lip coat
磨砂膏: facial scrub
去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining
去死皮: exfoliating scrub
护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer
沐浴露: wash
3. “美容”的英文怎么写 “美容”的英文:cosmetology
读法 英 [ , k?zm?'t?l?d??] 美 [ , kɑzm?'tɑl?d?i]
1、medical cosmetology 医学美容
2、Specialist cosmetology 专业美容
3、facial cosmetology 面部美容
4、cosmetology shop 美容美发店
It includes SPA, medical cosmetology, anti-ageing therapy, body check and preserves one's health etc.
包括亚洲最大的SPA、医学美容、抗衰老综合治疗、体检、调理养生等 。
读法 英 ['fe??l] 美 ['fe??l]
1、adj. 脸部的;面部的
2、n. 美容
1、facial recognition 面部识别;面孔识别
2、facial cleanser 洗面奶;洁面乳
3、facial tissue n. 化妆纸
1、She had a facial at the beauty parlor.
她在美容院做了一次美容 。
2、I've made an appointment for a facial next week.
我已经预约了下周去美容 。
4. 化妆步骤的详细英文翻译 1, spreads foundation Use foam rubber or plastic to dip in taking foundation, before location such as forehead , cheek , nose part , lip cycle and time of chin, adopt seal to fall extremely on the gimmick , reason pushing down , in proper order bottom colour is daubed homogeneously. Every location should be natural linking up , can not have the obvious boundary. Under wing of nose two flanks,fingers of thorough trivial foam rubber or plastic location difficult to available such as eyelid , lip vicinity carries out adjustment.2, fixes a stage makeup and costume Use powder puff honey powder puff to be in face, not wanting to conflict with back and forth in stage makeup and costume surface with powder puff but , this may destroy foundation, foundation prevents the key taking off a stage makeup and costume from lying in the nose part , lip part and eye part vicinity , these location asks Be carefull to fix a stage makeup and costume. Stage makeup and costume powder brushes away , action essential points makes light of an at last with brushing lightly a rendering with unnecessary fixing, to avoid destroying stage makeup and costume face. Fix a stage makeup and costume be going to solid , apply powder to should be homogeneous , fix a stage makeup and costume several time in location but go along easy to take off a stage makeup and costume. 3, polishes an eyebrow From (1) the eyebrow middle gets along, along the eyebrow growth direction, depict till the eyebrow peak gets along, have taken form the arc raising. From (2) the eyebrow peak gets along, along the eyebrow growth direction, draw askew downward till the brow tip, form the arc coming down. (3), from the eyebrow, the middle is on the march depicting toward brow place. Brush of eyebrow, makes the person gentle (4) with the eyebrow , links up with every location. 4, draws an eye shadow Getting along in the palpebra superior , using two kinds or two kinds of the above eye shadows color to dye from inner corner of the eye to outside corner of the eye transverse direction arrangement collocation halo, may bring eye's dynamic feeling into play sufficiently , uses the vivid theism of eye but has third dimension, 5. picture informer Closes the eye, with a hand in the upper eyelid place jogging, causes the eyelash hair root to expose fully, carries on with the eye-liner pencil draws, when under picture eyelash yarn, looked upwardly, carries on inward by the outside corner of the eye corner of the eye draws. 6, clamps the eyelash The eye looked downward that clamps the eyelash root the eyelash, causes the eyelash to clamp with eyelid's arc tallies, clamps about the eyelash 5 seconds to loosen, does not move clip's position company to do 1-2 times, causes the radian to be fixed. Clamps with the eyelash in eyelash's middle, is being suitable the tendency which the eyelash goes up, after clamping about 5 seconds, loosens. Finally uses the eyelash to clamp clamps again in eyelash's front end one time, the time 2-3 seconds, form the natural radian.7, brushes a mascara Cover with cast one's eyes downward takes a look on that , the eyelash brush rotates downward from the eyelash to the outside when the eyelash. The eye makes progress when scribbling an eyelash down, uses the eyelash brush brush head to daub the eyelash brush , turn again by eyelash root segment from the introversion outside transversely first. 8, brushes a blusher Fetch the right blusher, the halo being in progress from gaining fame and fortune to inner outline dyes from the cheekbone bow sinks to get along. 9, spreads lip brillant 。