
1. 未成年人用英文怎么说 Minor
1. 较小的,较少的
He left most of his money to his sons; his daughter only received a minor share of his wealth.
他把大部分钱留给了儿子;他女儿只得到他财产的一小部分 。
2. 不重要的,次要的
She played a minor role in the opera.
她在那出歌剧里扮演了一个小角色 。
3. (疾病,手术等)不严重的,无生命危险的
He is going in for a minor operation.
他要接受一个小手术 。
4. 【英】(置于姓名后)(兄弟或学校同姓者中)年幼的
He was called Smith Minor to distinguish him from the other Smiths.
人们称他小史密斯,以便与其他叫史密斯的人相区别 。
5. 未成年的
【未成年翻译英文怎么写】6. 【主美】(大学学科)副修的
Computer Science is his minor subject.
计算机是他的副修科目 。
7. 【音】小调的,小音阶的
1. 未成年人
You can't serve drinks to minors.
你不能把酒卖给未成年人 。
2. 【主美】副修科目,副修科学生
English is his major and history is his minor.
他主修英文,副修历史 。
3. 【音】小调,小音阶
1. 【主美】副修,兼修[(+in)]
She majored in English and minored in education.
她主修英文,副修教育 。
He will minor in French.
他将副修法文 。
2. “未成年女孩”用英语怎么写 未成年女孩:
Underage girl;the girl not yet of age
1、塞恩教练,别靠近未成年女孩 。
Coach Sain, step away from the underage girls.
2、她的女儿还没有成年 。
Her daughter is the girl that not yet of age.
3、我一定是一个可爱的小女孩 。
I must have been a cute little girl.
4、投资者如今已对中国股市的不成熟和内幕交易习以为常了 。
Investors are by now familiar with the immaturity and the insider trading in the Chinese market.
未成年男孩:Underage boy
成年女性:Adult female
成年男性:Adult male
3. 未成年的英文翻译是什么 未成年 [wèi chéng nián]
under age
未成年人 Minor ; impubes ; Juvenile ; Underaged
未成年工 Juvenile Employee ; Underage workers ; Minor Works ; under ageworker
未成年犯 juvenile offender ; young offenders ; nonage criminals ; juvenile delinquent
4. 未成年人用英文怎么说 1. 较小的,较少的
He left most of his money to his sons; his daughter only received a minor share of his wealth.
他把大部分钱留给了儿子;他女儿只得到他财产的一小部分 。
2. 不重要的,次要的
She played a minor role in the opera.
她在那出歌剧里扮演了一个小角色 。
3. (疾病,手术等)不严重的,无生命危险的
He is going in for a minor operation.
他要接受一个小手术 。
4. 【英】(置于姓名后)(兄弟或学校同姓者中)年幼的
He was called Smith Minor to distinguish him from the other Smiths.
人们称他小史密斯,以便与其他叫史密斯的人相区别 。
5. 未成年的
6. 【主美】(大学学科)副修的
Computer Science is his minor subject.
计算机是他的副修科目 。
7. 【音】小调的,小音阶的
1. 未成年人
You can't serve drinks to minors.
你不能把酒卖给未成年人 。
2. 【主美】副修科目,副修科学生
English is his major and history is his minor.
他主修英文,副修历史 。