
1. 谁能写出王者荣耀里的胜利的英文 Victory
第一滴血:First blood
【王总的英文怎么写】双杀:Double kill
三杀:Triple kill
四杀:Quadra kill
五杀:Penta kill
连续击杀3次 大杀特杀:Killing spree
连续击杀4次(暴走) 杀人如麻:Rampage
连续击杀5次 无人可挡:Unstoppable
连续击杀6次 横扫千军:Godlike
连续击杀7次及以上(超神) 天下无双:Legendary
我方击杀了一名敌人:An enemy has been slain
你击杀了一名敌人:You have slain an enermy
我方队友被击杀:An ally has been slain
摧毁敌方防御塔:Your team has destroyed the turret
我方防御塔被摧毁:Our tower has been destroyed
你被击杀了:You have been slain
反杀(复仇)终结:Shut down
2. 秘书的英文单词怎么说 秘书的英文单词是:secretary
读音:英 ['sekr?tri] 美 ['sekr?teri]
n. 部长;秘书;书记;大臣;写字台
secretary于14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自中世纪拉丁语的secretarius,意为职员,书记;最初源自拉丁语的secretum,意为一个秘密 。
例句:My secretary is an absolute gem.
我的秘书真是个难能可贵的人 。
1、chief secretary 秘书长
2、press secretary 新闻秘书
3、Home secretary 内政大臣
4、private secretary 私人秘书
5、the secretary of State 国务大臣,国务卿
读音:英 [?'s?st?nt] 美 [?'s?st?nt]
n. 助手,助理,助教;【化】(用于染色的)助剂
adj. 副的;辅助的
例句:The Prime Minister came to visit our country in the company of his assistant.
首相在其助手陪同下访问我国 。
1、teaching assistant 助教
2、personal assistant 私人秘书
3、maternity assistant 助产士
4、research assistant 研究助理
5、assistant to the Manager 副经理
3. 用英文翻译全部 Bird flew, but forgot to take my sorrow,All should end garishly.I will say Bye-Bye to you with smile.I'm not your leading role, You are not my ending.I will hide the fictitious sorrow.I'm not your lover,You are not him I love.Open the window, breathe fresh air,The sunlight is so consuming that hurt my eyes. The same person, but the different youth.The different person, but live well the same.That acerb liquid drops strangely,I can't help but that are tears.Hard to describe your good,for I'm not a painter. DEAR: Dear you,are you smiling or crying. Pretend to smile to you, But heart filled with sadness ,lapsed in the heart. Distressed. I don't know what you will say? Thought time after time, And what will you think? We passed by, Leave with disdain, listen your laughing silently, The dimples are like flowers, see all your behavior. The puerility won't go back, The dim light, Shhh--all is sleeping.It's 00:20. Squatting in the corner , singing love songs, And you are just passers, Forget each other . We are all 90's,with hypocrisy. To WangCai: My dear,do you know why I write about you first? Shh--, that's a secret. You are lovely, please be low-key some times,and heart eased. Perhaps, that's crap. But I hope you be happy forever. To ZhuLan: Lan, Don't like eating too much, like Big Stomach King, Maybe ,we will be separate, but I hope you will live better than me. To A Cai: CaiTou,my dear, In our world, you are forcible, Don't worry, I am much forcible than you,giggle……happily to hear it? Maybe, you always beat me, but I hope you can be free and free. To XiaoYao: Yao, I have to say: in the world , It's a miracle that you were born, such a cowry. You always beat me,index can reach 100%.So scary. Perhaps you leave LMH ,I hope you can be together again,although no business. To XiaoWen: XiaoWen,God gave mom to you as a gift,too heavy. Alas! You should evaluate me: I can say nothing to you. Maybe you are in the regular class, but I hope you will go to Class 3 next term. To WuYing: WuYing,thank you for giving me lollipop . Why are you so good at Chinese, I'm helpless.You also get high points. Wish you happy 。