山脉英文怎么写( 二 )

例句:The town lies ten miles to the south of here
3、west 英 [west] 美 [w?st]
n.西 , 西部 , 西方 adj.西部的;在西方的;朝西的;(风)来自西面的 adv.向西 , 朝西;自西方;向西方
例句:We are going West to California.
我们西行前往加利福尼亚 。
4、north 读音:英 [n?:θ] 美 [n?:rθ]
adj.北部的;北方的;朝北的;(风 , 光线)来自北方的 adv.在北方;自北地;向北方
例句:Anita drove north up Pacific Highway.
安妮塔驱车沿太平洋公路向北行驶 。
1、southeast 读音:英 [?sa?θ'i:st] 美 [sa?θ?ist, sa??ist]
n.东南地区;东南 , 东南方 , (美国)东南部
adv.在东南;从东南;向东南;来自东南 adj.东南的;东南部的;向东南的;位于东南的
例句:The problem is not restricted to the southeast.
这个问题并不只存在于东南部 。
2、southwest 读音:英 [?sa?θ'west] 美 [sa?θ?w?st, sa??w?st]
n.西南部;西南 , 西南方 , adv.向西南 adj.西南的 , 西南部的
例句:They sped through the American southwest with the law hot on their heels.
他们飞车穿越美国西南部 , 警察紧追其后 。
3、northeast 读音:英 ['n?:θ'i:st] 美 [n?rθ?ist, n?r?ist]
n.东北部;东北 , 东北方向
adj.东北部的;在东北的;向东北的;(风、光线)来自东北方向的 adv.自东北地
例句:They voyaged northeast for several days.
他们向东北航行了几天 。
4、northwest 读音:英 ['n?:θ'west] 美 [n?rθ?w?st, n?r?w?st]
【山脉英文怎么写】n.西北部;西北 , 西北方向
adj.西北部的;在西北的;向西北的;(风、光线)来自西北方的 adv.自西北地
例句:Alte, in the hills northwest of Loule, is the Algarve's most picturesque village.
位于洛莱西北部山区的阿尔特 , 是阿尔加维风景最美丽的村庄 。
6. 英文翻译 Due to sociopolitical and cultural differences, there are various descriptions of Europe's boundary; in some sources, some territories are not included in Europe, while other sources include them||适当的到社会政治的和文化差异 , 有欧洲的边界的各种不同描述; 在一些来源中 , 一些领土没被包含在欧洲之中 , 当其他的来源包括他们的时候. For instance, geographers from Russia and other post-Soviet states generally include the Urals in Europe while including Caucasia in Asia||举例来说 , 当在亚洲包括 Caucasia 的时候 , 来自俄国和其他的在苏联之后的州的地理学者通常包括在欧洲的乌拉河. Almost all European countries are members of the Council of Europe, the exceptions being Belarus, and the Holy See (Vatican City||几乎所有欧洲的国家是见到的欧洲 , 例外存在白俄罗斯和神圣者的会议的成员 (梵蒂冈城市). The idea of the European continent is not held across all cultures||欧洲大陆的主意在整个所有的文化没被存有. Some non-European geographical texts refer to the continent of Eurasia, or to the European peninsula, given that Europe is not surrounded by sea||一些非欧洲的地理本文提及欧亚大陆的大陆 ,  或到被给欧洲以海运方式没被包围的欧洲的半岛. In the past, concepts such as "Christendom" were deemed geographically definitive||过去 ,  观念  ,  像是 " 基督教界 " 被认为地理限定. In another usage, Europe is increasingly being used as a short-form for the European Union (EU) and its members, currently consisting of 25 member states and the candidate countries negotiating for membership, and several other countries expected to begin negotiations in the future (see Enlargement of the European Union||在另外的用法方面 , 欧洲正在逐渐地被用当短-为欧盟 (欧盟) 和它的成员形成 ,  现在为全体会员有 25个会员国和候选人国家谈判 ,  和被期望未来开始谈判的一些其他的国家 (见到欧盟的扩大). This definition, however, excludes non-members such as Switzerland and Norway||然而 ,  这一种定义排除非成员  ,  像是瑞士和挪威. Physical geography In terms of shape, Europe is a collection of connected peninsulas||自然地理学根据形状 ,  欧洲是一个连接的半岛收集. The two largest of these are "mainland" Europe and Scandinavia to the north, divided from each other by the Baltic Sea||那二最大的这些是 " 大陆 " 欧洲和从彼此被波罗的海分开的北方的斯堪那维亚半岛. Three smaller peninsulas (Iberia, Italy and the Balkans) emerge from the southern margin of the mainland into the Mediterranean Sea, which separates Europe from Africa||三较小的半岛 (Iberia ,  意大利和巴尔干半岛) 从大陆的南方边缘到地中海的海洋浮现 ,  这区隔欧洲和非洲. Eastward, mainland Europe widens much like the mouth of a funnel, until the boundary with Asia is reached at the Ural Mountains||向东 , 大陆欧洲像漏斗的嘴一样多弄宽 ,  直到和亚洲的边界在乌拉山被到达. Land relief in Europe shows great variation within relatively small areas||在欧洲的土地减轻表示相对小的区域里面的棒的变化. The southern regions, however, are more mountainous, while moving north the terrain descends from the high Alps, Pyrenees and Carpathians, through hilly uplands, into broad, low northern plains, which are vast in the east||然而 , 南方的区域更多山 , 当经过多丘陵的丘陵地 , 移动北方地带从高的阿尔卑斯山 ,  庇里牛斯山脉和喀尔巴阡山脉降 , 进入宽广又低下北方的平原之内的时候 ,  在东部中是巨大的. This extended lowland is known as the Great European Plain, and at its heart lies the North German Plain||这一个被延长的低地即是棒的欧洲平原 ,  而且在它的心躺卧北的德国人平原. An arc of uplands also exists along the northwestern seaboard, beginning in the western British Isles and continuing along the mountainous, fjord-cut spine of Norway||一个丘陵地的弧也沿着在西北部的海岸存在 , 在不列颠群岛西部开始而且沿着挪威的多山又峡湾-削减背骨继续. This description is simplified||这描述被单一化. Sub-regions such as Iberia and Italy contain their own complex features, as does mainland Europe itself, where the relief contains many plateaus, river valleys and basins that complicate the general trend||子区域  ,  像是 Iberia 和意大利包含他们自己的合成物特征 ,  当做大陆欧洲本身 ,  减轻包含许多高地 ,  河山谷和弄复杂一般的趋势的盆地. Iceland and the British Isles are special cases||冰岛和不列颠群岛是特别的情形. The former is a land unto itself in the northern ocean which is counted as part of Europe, while the latter are upland areas that were once joined to the mainland until rising sea levels cut them off||先前者在被计算如欧洲的部份的北方的大海中是到它本身土地 , 当后者是切去他们的直到上升的海平面被叁加到大陆的高地的区域时候. Due to the fe 。