
1. 帮忙写一篇“小飞象”的观后感 要英语的 我在这里写给50 写的好我再 Dumbo.Through the wind, walk on through the rain, through the snow, flew over the mountain, across the meadow。
A flock of wild geese regardless of the weather, often changing formation flying in the sky, they each mouth with a package, when fly to Florida over the open mouth of the circus, together, falling in mid-air, parcel, package. Open a blossoming flower parachute, float falls in every hope that baby's mother side, there are 5 baby tigers, wallabies, hippo, small giraffe, Winnie, the circus train is about to leave, as she still look around wait for their baby, can not bear to leave。Until late goose in the clouds on viewing the map, laborious with parcel on the train, a section of a carriage for strong and lady like her mother, as she heard someone calling his name shy, see the baby joy, other like laughing at your baby's ear is big, strong and wife pull off the latch cover their first baby, alone and affectionate play, every screen delicate to be moved, this was 1941 Disney's" Dumbo", I and my first look, my heart is soft The mother's heart is excited as a river, flowing from the。
。CNR also with me, every time I see Dumbo enough of bullying, see detained mother, mother and son through the iron bars can only use the nose, her tears just swish stream, running over and hugged me, and she said, this is the story, but she is still the same, but the daily demands to look at it, I worry about her eyes look bad!Every child is mother's angel, is God to pray for the baby's mother is the most beautiful gift, is in the sky by parachute on mother apical on the baby。
Thank God!In four years time flash across, CNR is almost 3 years old, can be pregnant the day as if yesterday, one who always happy, sweet smile ripples in the mouth, why do so many mother gave birth to a few baby, whether the star or a laborer, it can be really is a kind of enjoyment!I want to fly to the clouds! Little bear 's friend Jack said.This is my most loved to play with you, to say a word.小飞象观后感 穿过风 , 穿过雨 , 穿过大风雪 , 飞过高山 , 飞过草地 。
一群大雁风雨无阻 , 还不时变换着队形飞翔在夜空中 , 它们每只嘴里都衔着一个包裹 , 当飞到佛罗里达马戏团的上空 , 一齐张开嘴 , 包裹坠下 , 半空中 , 包裹的上方张开了朵朵花一样的降落伞 , 飘飘荡荡的落在了每个祈盼宝宝的妈妈身边 , 有5只虎宝宝 , 小袋鼠 , 小河马 , 小长颈鹿 , 小熊 , 马戏团的火车就要开了 , 象妈妈仍东张西望的等待自己的宝宝 , 不忍离去 。
一直迟到的大雁在云彩上查看完地图 , 费力的衔着大包裹落在火车上 , 一节一节车厢的找强保太太象妈妈 , 象妈妈听到有人叫自己名字时的羞涩 , 看到宝宝时的欢喜 , 其它象嘲笑宝宝的耳朵大 , 强保太太拔下门闩盖住它们的头 , 独自和宝宝亲昵嬉戏 , 每一个画面细腻得让人感动 , 这就是1941年迪斯尼出品的《小飞象》 , 我和晨晨初次看时 , 我那颗柔软的妈妈心就被激动得一如涓涓小河 , 流淌开来 。
晨晨也是随了我了 , 每当看到小飞象受够欺侮 , 看望被关禁闭的妈妈时 , 母子俩隔着铁栏杆只能用鼻子交流 , 她的眼泪儿就唰唰流 , 跑过来和我拥抱 , 和她讲了 , 这是故事 , 可她还是一样动情 , 而且每天要求看几遍才行 , 我都担心会把她眼睛看坏呢! 每一个宝宝都是妈妈的天使 , 都是上天送给祈盼宝宝的妈妈们的最美的礼物 , 都是在夜空中乘着降落伞落在妈妈心尖儿上的宝贝 。