1. 乳癌广泛切除术英文怎么写 乳癌广泛切除术
翻译成英文是:extensive resection of mastocarcinoma
extensive resection of mastocarcinoma
[词典] 乳癌广泛切除术;
[例句]Extensive resection of mastocarcinoma has long been used in clinical practice.
乳腺癌广泛切除术一直被用于临床实践 。
2. 身体各部位的英文名称 head 头throat 喉咙,咽喉armpit hair 腋毛nipple 乳头chest 胸部pit 胸口navel 肚脐abdomen 腹部private parts 阴部thigh 大腿neck 脖子shoulder 肩back 背waist 腰hip 臀部buttock 屁股skull 颅骨,头盖骨collarbone 锁骨rib 肋骨backbone 脊骨,脊柱shoulder joint 肩关节shoulder blade 肩胛骨breastbone 胸骨elbow joint 肘关节pelvis 骨盆kneecap 膝盖骨bone 骨skeleton 骨骼sinew 腱muscle 肌肉joint 关节blood vessel 血管vein 静脉artery 动脉capillary 毛细血管nerve 神经spinal marrow 脊髓brain 脑respiration 呼吸windpipe 气管lung 肺heart 心脏diaphragm 隔膜exhale 呼出inhale 呼入internal organs 内脏gullet 食管stomach 胃liver 肝脏gall bladder 胆囊pancreas 胰腺spleen 脾duodenum 12指肠small intestine 小肠large intestine 大肠blind gut 盲肠vermiform appendix 阑尾rectum 直肠anus 肛门bite 咬chew 咀嚼knead 揉捏swallow 咽下digest 消化absord 吸收discharge 排泄excrement 粪便kidney 肾脏bladder 膀胱penis 阴茎testicles 睾丸scroticles 阴囊urine 尿道ovary 卵巢womb 子宫vagina 阴道 。
3. 写出身体部分的英文 头:head 胸腔:thoracic cavity
眼:eye 胳膊:arm
鼻子:nose 乳腺:breast
嘴巴:mouse 肚子:stomach
眉毛:eyebrow 肚脐:the navel
牙齿:teeth 手:hand
【乳腺英文怎么写】耳朵:ear 指甲:toenail
头发;hair 拇指:thumb
脖子:neck 食指:the first finger
嘴唇:lip 中指:medius