
1. 对不起英文怎么写 对不起
(对人有愧) I'm sorry.; sorry; I beg your pardon.; Excuse me.; Pardon me.; Will you forgive me.; if you please; if you don't mind; If I dare say so.; No offence:
对不起,打搅你了 。Pardon me for interrupting you.
对不起,给你添麻烦了 。Sorry to have given you so much trouble.
对不起,请你再讲一遍好吗? I beg your pardon (but would you repeat what you said)?
对不起,我得走了 。Excuse me, but I'll have to go now.
(辜负) let sb. down; be unworthy of; do a disservice to; be unfair to:
对不起他 be less than fair to him
对不起列祖列宗 be unworthy heirs of our ancestors and disappoint our posterity
我们决不会做任何对不起你们的事情 。We will never do any disservice to you (anything to hurt you).
2. 对不起英文怎么写,除了sorry还有哪些 对不起
[词典] sorry; [套] I'm sorry.; I beg your pardon.; excuse me;
【打搅的英文怎么写】[例句]对不起,打搅你了 。
Pardon me for interrupting you.
[词典] sorry; [套] I'm sorry.; I beg your pardon.; excuse me;
[例句]对不起,打搅你了 。
Pardon me for interrupting you.