
1. 的字火星文怎么写 “的”字火星文是の 。
一、详细解释 [ de ] 1.定于与后面的名词是修饰关系:美丽~风光|宏伟~建筑 。2.定语与后边的名词是所属关系,旧时也写作“底”:我~书|社会~性质 。
②用在词或词组后,组成“的”字结构,表示人或事物:吃~|穿~|红~|卖菜~ 。③用字句末,表示肯定的语气,常跟“是”相应:他是刚从北京来~ 。
[ dì ] 箭靶的中心:中~|有~放矢 。[目的]要达到的目标、境地:~明确 [ dí ]真实,实在:~当|~确 。
[ dī ](外)“的士”(出租车)的省称:打~|~哥(称男性出租车司机) 。二、词语 1.小的[xiǎo de] 旧时平民、差役对官绅自称之词 。
【火星的英文怎么写】 2.伍的[wǔ de] 方言 。等等;之类;什么的 。
3.绰的[chuò de] 犹忽的 。忽然,一下子 。
4.的毕[de bì] 必定;必然 。5.的博[de bó] 山名 。
在 四川省理县东南 。。
2. 火星的英文简介 Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in the Solar System. The planet is named after Mars, the Roman god of war. It is also referred to as the "Red Planet" because of its reddish appearance, due to iron oxide prevalent on its surface.Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere, having surface features reminiscent both of the impact craters of the Moon and the volcanoes, valleys, deserts and polar ice caps of Earth. It is the site of Olympus Mons, the highest known mountain in the Solar System, and of Valles Marineris, the largest canyon. Furthermore, in June 2008 three articles published in Nature presented evidence of an enormous impact crater in Mars's northern hemisphere, 10,600 km long by 8,500 km wide, or roughly four times larger than the largest impact crater yet discovered, the Moon's South Pole-Aitken basin. In addition to its geographical features, Mars'7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333239306537 rotational period and seasonal cycles are likewise similar to those of Earth 。

