
1. “休息”用英文怎么说 “休息”用英文说法,是rest 。
读音分英式和美式:英 [rest]、美 [rest] 一、restn.休息;剩余部分;支持物;宁静,安宁vt.& vi.(使)休息;(使)倚靠[支撑]vi.休息;静止;停止;安心vt.使休息;使轻松;使长眠;使依赖第三人称单数: rests复数: rests现在分词: resting过去式: rested过去分词: rested二、例句1、Once this is all over and done with you can have a rest. 大功告成后你就可以休息了 。2、You've been working hard all day. You need a rest. 你累了一天,该休息了 。
3、It's time for having a rest. 该休息一会儿了 。4、I tell you this, I will not rest until that day has come 我可以肯定地说,不到那天我不会休息 。
5、Everyone needs some free time for rest and relaxation 每个人都需要一些休息和放松的自由时间 。6、We resumed our journey after a short rest. 休息了一会儿之后,我们就继续赶路了 。
7、It'll do you good to take a rest.休息一下对你有好处 。8、Michael is tired and he has to rest after his long trip. 迈克尔累了,他在长途旅行以后必须休息 。
【休息一下英语怎么写】9、It must be nearly six; soon would be reveille and the end of the night's rest.应该快6点了;很快就要到吹起床号的时间,夜间休息就快结束了 。10、He's tired and exhausted, and has been advised to rest for two weeks.他精疲力竭,被建议休息两周 。

