九十用英语怎么写的( 二 )

在英语中,使用序数词时前面要加定冠词 the,但是,在下面的情况下则不加 the:
1.当序数词前有形容词性物主代词或名词所有格修饰时,序数词前不用 the 。
例句:Mother was my first teacher in my life.妈妈是我生命中的第一个老师 。
2.当表达分数时,序数词前不用 the 。
例句:One fifth of the students here are from the country. 这儿1/5的学生来自农村 。
5. 二十,三十,四十,五十,六十,七十,八十,九十用英语怎么说 二十: twenty三十: thrity四十: forty五十:fifty六十: sixty七十: seventy八十:eighty九十: ninety一、二十音标:英 ['twent?] 美 ['tw?nti]二、三十音标:英['θ?:t?] 美[?θ?:ti] 三、四十音标:英['f?:t?] 美[?f?rti] 四、五十音标:英 [?f?fti:] 美[?f?fti]五、六十音标:英 ['s?ksti] 美 ['s?ksti] 六、七十音标:英 ['sevnti] 美['sevnti] 七、八十音标:英 ['e?t?] 美 [?eti]八、九十音标:英 ['nainti] 美 ['nainti] 。
6. 11到90的英文字母怎么写 11 eleven
12 twelve
13 thirteen
14 fourteen
15 fifteen
16 sixteen
17 seventeen
18 eighteen
19 nineteen
20 twenty
21 twenty-one
22 twenty- two
23 twenty- three
24 twenty- four
25 twenty- five
26 twenty- six
27 twenty- seven
28 twenty- eight
29 twenty- nine
30 thirty
31 thirty- one
32 thirty- two
33 thirty- three
34 thirty- four
35 thirty- five
36 thirty- six
37 thirty- seven
38 thirty- eight
39 thirty- nine
40 forty
41 forty- one
42 forty- two
43 forty- three
44 forty- four
45 forty- five
46 forty- six
47 forty- seven
48 forty- eight
49 forty- nine
50 fifty
51 fifty- one
52 fifty- two
53 fifty- three
54 fifty- four
55 fifty- five
56 fifty- six
57 fifty- seven
58 fifty- eight
59 fifty- nine
60 sixty
61 sixty- one
62 sixty- two
63 sixty- three
64 sixty- four
65 sixty- five
66 sixty- six
67 sixty- seven
68 sixty- eight
69 sixty- nine
70 seventy
71 seventy- one
72 seventy- two
73 seventy- three
74 seventy- four
75 seventy- five
76 seventy- six
77 seventy- seven
78 seventy- eight
79 seventy- nine
80 eighty
81 eighty- one
82 eighty- two
83 eighty- three
84 eighty- four
85 eighty- five
86 eighty- six
87 eighty- seven
88 eighty- eight
89 eighty- nine
90 ninety
7. 六十,五十,九十,四十用英语怎么写 60 sixty50 fifty90 ninety40 forty*******************************************************************************************************^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!******************************************************************************************************* 。
