1. 一般贤惠的作文怎么写,是与关于我的 我的家是一个充满乐趣的家,再这个家中,时时刻刻都会感到生活的情趣 。
在我看来,我的父母是世界上最好的一对儿,母亲勤劳贤惠,善持家务,父亲潇洒诙谐,精于工作 。他们在生活中配合的相当幽默 。
爸爸很爱说,一打开话匣子,就没完没了,口若悬河,什么从“理论上说”呀!什么从“哲学上讲”啊!什么“油条没有营养价值”啦 。什么“人才的矮才符合经济效益”啦 。
说话时就向一个学者,颇为自赏,母亲则打趣的说:“别在那儿瞎吹了” 。但看得出,母亲是很佩服父亲的口才的 。
我到不认为父亲的水平高,每次不是找他的逻辑错误,就是挑剔他的语法毛病,但每次进攻,都被父亲化险为夷 。我的妹妹是一个五年级的学生 。
【贤惠的英语怎么写】别看她人长的个子矮,但十分喜欢干净、打扮 。每次有同学约她一起出去玩时,她总是把自己打扮的利利量量,头发梳的顺顺溜溜、光滑光滑的 。
总之,在打扮上得花上很长时间 。有一次,爸爸让她端菜盘吃饭,她端起盘子走起了猫步,只听见屋里“西里哗啦”一声响,只有在这时,她脸上才会有几丝沮丧的表情 。
到了晚上,屋里又充满一片欢声笑语,妈妈忙于烹调上菜,爸爸仍旧滔滔不绝,妹妹则尽情的展示自己的美 。而我呢?则摆出一副中学生高深莫测的样子 。
此刻,我们这一家各具姿态,足够演一场话剧了 。这就是我的家,一个充满乐趣的家 。
My home is a fun home, in this home, will always be the spice of life. In my opinion, my parents are the best in the world for a son, mother virtuous, good home, father and witty, at work. They lived together very humor. Daddy loves to say, opened the chatterbox, endless, talk rapidly. What, from "theory"! Anything from the "philosophical sense"! What "deep-fried dough sticks no nutritional value". What "talent short to meet the economic benefits". When speaking to a scholar, rather shoegaze, mother said jokingly: "don't there big talk". But see, my mother is very admire his eloquence. I don't think his father's level is high, each time not find his logic errors, is picking his grammar mistakes, but each time the attack, was father change danger into safety. My sister is a the fifth grade students. Despite her long and short, but very love clean, dress. When a classmate about her to go out to play, she always put before the volume up, hair down, smooth smooth. In a word, it takes a long time to dress up. Once, my father let her dish for dinner, she picked up the dishes go from the catwalk, only to hear the "West Hua" of a sound, and only at this time, she will face a few frustrated expression. At night, the house was full of laughter, the mother was busy cooking the food, dad is still off the reel, sister to show their beauty. And I? Then put a pair of middle school students too profound to be understood. At the moment, we this a different attitude, sufficient play a play. This is my home, a fun house. 。
2. 我想写这么一篇英语作文,帮帮忙啦 I want to say something about my mother. She is a beautiful woman and a good wife. She has long curly hair and bright eyes. I remembered that she stayed up late just for making a sweater for me. It's the warmest sweater I have ever had. Nobody cares about every little thing like mother. There are too many things she has done for me. Finally, I want to say her many, a thousand words merged into one sentence“Mom, I love you." 。
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