3. 期末总结范文 期末总结 2010年7月10日期末考试成绩出来了,考得十分不理想,政治考85分,语文90分,英语74分,数学70分,历史才考73分,十分不应该,地理80分,生物才64!总分才536分,考得十分不好,与半期考试成绩差不多,现将期末考试总结如下:1. 政治:政治考了85分,还算不错,相比前两次考试要高些了,以后要继续保持!像这种要死记硬背的科目要多背多记,要扩大知识面,要关注时事政治,了解国家大事,这一科才能提高.政治要继续保持!2. 语文:语文考得不错,继续保持,不能掉以轻心!语文不仅理解背诵,还要培养阅读能力,多阅读课外书籍,不能只学习语文书上的知识,要增加知识面,多阅读,还要多理解,例如古诗文之类的,想要读懂就必须理解每一个字的意思,所以语文又要多去理解,理解记忆 。
语文要继续保持!3. 英语:英语这次真的考得不好,才考了74分,不应该考这个分数的,都怪自己没努力 。上次检测都考了86,这次就考砸了,是自己没认真做,没仔细,才考这样的 。
英语这一科,要多记多背,还要多阅读,背住单词,短语,句型就可以提高英语成绩了 。还要多去课外背没学过的单词,扩大知识面,多阅读多听,更加提高英语成绩 。
4. 数学:数学考了70分,也考得不好,再努力一点,应该可以考更高的 。数学这课一直是我的弱科,一直在努力,这科只有多练习,背公式,多见题型,才能逐步提高数学成绩 。
所以,以后数学要多加练习,上课认真听,一定要补起来 。5. 历史:历史这次真的考砸了,只考了73分 。
每次历史检测都考得很好,但期末的历史成绩十分不理想,可能是没仔细检查就有些知识点没答上 。历史只有死记硬背,多背多看,没其他办法 。
还要多看历史书籍,了解课外的更多史事 。背时要分开记忆,不能搞混了,历史这科很容易混淆,所以以后背时要分清楚,不要搞混淆 。
6. 地理:地理这次不错,考了80分,相比前几次检测要好了一点,前几次都才70多分,所以要继续保持!地理多看图,多看知识点,理解背,不能死记硬背,效果不好,效率也不高 。这科要多理解背诵,多看图,才能提高地理成绩 。
7. 生物:考的最不好的一科,前几次的生物考试都考得很好,但期末成绩十分不理想,考试时考到了我几个不熟的知识点,所以当时就只有乱答,估计也没答对几个 。就像方老师所说的,期末考试不是考扩展的知识,而是书本上的知识点,谁把书上的全背住了,谁就能考高分 。
所以,下次复习时要全面,不能光看老师所说的重点部分,都要看 。生物还要多看图,图也很重要 。
背诵时也要理解背,才能提高生物成绩 。这次期末考试没考理想,要从中吸取教训,找到方法,在下次考试时要特别注意,决不能犯同样错,下次一定要努力,考个理想的好成绩 。
4. 求一篇英语作文~关于大学生的学期末总结的 你是学什么的呀,几年级了,要不怎么写
A Summary for this Semester
It comes the final of this term . Looking backward to so many things happened during the past five months , I suddenly felt I grew up quickly from the series of problems I had ever met . Life is so difficult sometimes , putting a lot of troubles together in front of you . Maybe it is god teaching me how to face the reality ---- life in fact is not always as beautiful as the sun , the sky would be angry sometimes , god would also burst into tears . And so is my life .
This term is much more important because of the exam of TEM4 and class and major 's division . What is more , when the TEM4 examination came , I was afflicted seriously with the disease of depression and hurt by the long – term separation with “Martian” . It was really the hardest time for me . I cannot remember how many times I cried , even want to give up everything even life . But I dared not . I was still clear that I must overcome the trouble , I believed that everything would turn to be much better as far as I tried again and again . God won't let an encouraged and determined and brave heart down ! So I walked steadily from side to side till I welcome the may holidays . I would never forget those kindly friends who helped and accompanied me go through those grey days . Jake ; Gary ;Mr Wang , who I consider as my intimate brother ; James Xu , whose mother treated me as well as her own daughter when I was in Shanghai during the spring holidays ; and my first boyfriend , my classmates and roommates … of course my family especially my dear mother is the greatest power for me to continue my way .
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